Home Positive News & Interviews Meditation for Balancing the Chakras

Meditation for Balancing the Chakras

by Patrick

Choose a quiet room or space in your house, possibly a corner.

Turn off all lights and light one candle and incense.

    • Sit in the lotus position (or cross legged) with both your hands relaxed on your knees (palms down). Close your eyes and concentrate on one single thought in your mind – for example: try to recreate the image of the candle flame in your mind.
    • Breathe in deeply and slowly from your base/root chakra (the base of your spine); then very gently breathe out, making the sound “OM” very, very slowly.

    If you do this continuously for 3 minutes, you will feel your body and mind become cool, quiet and calm. You will feel more energetic and more positive thoughts will enter your mind.

    This process works for cleaning your heart and mind.


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