My Ideal Life

by Patrick

Siobhan Lavelle
Tantra Teacher & Writer

This is a difficult question for me as I’m at a time where I’m stopping and re-evaluating everything, deciding which way to go next. The most basic thing that comes to mind is that I would like to be content no matter what comes my way. I would like to love myself completely enough to allow what I have to express to pour out freely.

I am working towards sharing my ideas and experiences with lots of people through my writing. I would love to be very open and honest with everyone in my life. I would like to always see clearly the difference between reality and my fantasies and fears. I would like my life to continue to be filled with variety and exciting changes.

I like living in a place with lots of natural beauty, having friends nearby and the use of some land to grow food on.

Owen Fox
Spiritual Teacher & Life Coach

My ideal life would be effortless bubbling joy and excitement and new ventures and manifestations combined with inner harmony, peace, ease and joy at almost all times! Along with plenty of challenges and expansion on the outward level, and with much bubbly expansion on the inner level!

A life of abundance can await us all. A life of true abundance is inner abundance, not outer. Inner abundance comes from knowing ever more and more who you really Are, which is also being alertly, silently aware in the present moment. This is the I AM feeling, the silent watcher in the background of all and any of your experiences. True abundance is found now, by being connected with the Source that you are. Outward abundance and manifestation is play and fun for the soul, but you are not lost and stressed and in fear when connected with the inner You.

Lizzie Dunne
Healer & Children’s Writer

My ideal life is to write children’s books. Two years ago, I got an inspiration for a story. Putting this story into words presented quite a challenge for me as I had the mistaken belief that I could not write. However, I did believe in the story. So, I planted the seed firmly in the ground, gave it my blessings and hoped it would grow.

Through a series of unplanned incidents, I was lead to do a course in writing and illustrating a children’s book. Along with doing the course, I danced, painted, talked, wrote, played and prayed my way through this journey. Waving goodbye to my limiting belief, I moved into a place of starting to believe in myself.

Having just completed the course, a group of us held a showcase to exhibit our creations. I stood proudly yet humbly over my work. Feeling very blessed, and grateful to all those who had helped me along this journey.

Glenn Sullivan
Designer & Shamanic Healer

One of the most important ways to live my life is from a place of gratitude, it is part of my daily practice and thankfully, most of the time, I am truly grateful for the life I have. In the last 20 years of exploring consciousness, spirit has always looked after me even when things seem so overwhelming, I just surrender and become present to my vulnerability, which frees up my desire to control the outcome and I inevitably end up with more awareness, and more connected to the magic of life.

Exploring the myth of a healer, which connects to the archetype of the magician, has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my life and I find I am drawn deeper and deeper into this area. For myself now, more than ever, consciousness is manifesting itself through the path of the Heart.

Melanie Mondini
Complementary Massage Therapist

Ideal life for me is being united in mind, body and spirit. It is about finding my space in this world, living in harmony with nature, being happy, loving myself and others unconditionally and without judgments. It means living life now, instead of dreaming of the perfect one in the future! Today, my ideal life consists of studying continuously and achieving a wide understanding of the human body in its physical state, and interlinking it with the emotional and spiritual side. I feel privileged to have found my passion and love in work which defines who I am today. Perhaps my version of life will change over time, but I feel that my core of values will stay the same.

‘For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.’ ~ Kalidasa

Ian Snipper
Love Junkie

To imagine that anything other than this moment is my ideal life is to believe a lie that can only create unhappiness for me and those around me.

I have found that the key to living an ideal life is self acceptance, not self improvement. To live an ideal life, we must love what is and embrace our journey without guilt or remorse. Only from that place can we can imagine and re-create ourselves as an ever more loving being.

Each and every moment contains the potential to experience both the bliss of knowing ourselves as a perfectly whole being and the evolutionary tension that arises from seeing what is versus what could be. Learning to accept this paradox is what allows us to experience the bliss of unconditional love for ourselves and others in a sustainable way.

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