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Our Changing Relationships

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Our Changing Relationships

Our Changing RelationshipsBy Emma Tamplin


Did you have a summer of love, or did you have a summer of dealing with a lack of love? Either way, we are all reassessing our relationships. Some relationships that we thought would last forever are gone and so many new relationships are beginning or about to begin. As the earth is shifting and changing in its consciousness, so are we. We are becoming aware of what we want and we are finding ways to bring that in. The fastest way to get what you want is to learn how to apply the Law of Attraction. Without this law and spiritual knowledge, you are shooting your desires into the dark. When you go out socially, do you know what others are picking up from you? If you keep attracting in what you don’t want, it is time for you to change your energy output. This signal is your point of attraction and it affects all your relationships. So many of us carry around the hurt and baggage of a past relationship and this prevents us from moving into new love. We can do something about this now. Old patterns need to be taken out so that we can become aligned with our own soul. With a little soul work, we start to meet people who are like us and who feed our spirit and then we get a whole new perspective into our lives – one that is fun and alive.


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