Taking a Leap

by Admin

Taking a Leap

My name is Karoona Jhugaroo. I’m originally from Mauritius, grew up in England, and have been living in Ireland for seven years. One year ago I took a massive leap – I let go of my secure and well-paid job, and started my own reiki centre Rainkoat Energy Therapy.

In the beginning I thought the word reiki sounded odd and mystical. It was ironic when I discovered the name karuna reiki – it’s the original Sanskrit of my name, which means compassion. I think I was searching for something more meaningful in my life, but I was afraid of change. When I discovered that reiki was energy and frequencies, it made sense to me. From witnessing sickness at home as a child, I always had an innate feeling that we can do more about healing and refuelling ourselves. I began a journey into the unknown; a little journey into me.

I learned so much during my years of reiki training. It helped me let go of the layers and conditioning. Conflict at home had an immense impact on my childhood. Like many second generation offspring, my sister and I felt confused as we were expected to be Westerners at school and traditional at home in aspects such as discipline, dress, food, and living in general. It seemed that we had to be part of a culture we didn’t really know about. Then my parents’ marriage took a turn for the worse, making a stale and extremely sad home. It’s funny that as children we’re asked to learn from adults. And now as adults we’re searching for that place we had as children – shedding the conditioning, finding clarity, and peace.

I’ve come to realise it’s about faith in yourself and taking responsibility for the circumstances that surround you. You are the lever for change and your past has equipped you for it. Everything we have been through means we have all the experience and wisdom required to handle today. Everything seems relevant to me now; every coincidence and every circumstance. Synchronicities indicate that I’m on the right path, but of course I am – where else would I be!

Many of my parents’ traditions were based on natural remedies like respect, chakras, and yoga. The ironic thing now is I’ve done a full circle, returned to my roots, and made peace with my past. It’s funny how you can always join the dots when you look back.

You know it’s amazing how the body can heal itself – even a group of people together can create such a flow of energy in one room. Like last weekend, I had a gathering of friends and we all lay on the floor with duvets and mediated.

Looking back I can’t believe where I am today. If you take a leap the prospects are amazing. Embracing change is important because change is the only thing that’s constant. Did you know that there’s no cell in your body now that was the same seven years ago? That means we go in cycles. We keep evolving, in fact, we have to. To recognise this, one needs to be still. Then you have the ability to open up your desire to know more. By taking that first leap the rest will follow. I can vouch for that.


In conversation with Katie Roche.

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