Home Astrology Astrologer Andrew Smith on Positive Thinking: A New Dawn

Astrologer Andrew Smith on Positive Thinking: A New Dawn

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A New Dawn

Andrew Smith Looks at the effects of positive thinking and positive visualisation in relation to astrology

A New Dawn

Progressively, over the past several centuries, the social values under which we have lived in the West have encouraged us to think of ourselves as being wholly separate onto ourselves. Indeed, for all intents and purposes, the vast majority of people carry on their daily lives ignorant of that illusion. The fact that each of us is embedded within a vast interconnected energetic field of intelligence which, like ourselves, is continually learning and growing is starting to re-emerge in western culture.

Whether or not we are conscious of it, we are intimately in synchronous atunement with the rhythm of our solar system, as it is with us. We are neither controlled by, nor controlling, the cosmos. We live in a reciprocal symbiotic relationship as our conscious emergence is reflected in the harmonic symphony of the cosmic mind and vice versa. The myriad seminal planetary rhythms that are merging towards their fortissimo crescendo this summer simply reflect what we experientially know to be true – that we are witnessing the birth of a new cosmological category, and we stand on the threshold of a new dawn.

I am certain that you have felt the vast acceleration of the feeling of time; have noticed how strongly your body is repelling toxic food stuffs and toxic emotional behaviour; how your sleeping pattern has altered; and how aware the general populace is that “something’s going on.” You cannot help but notice the dramatic instability inherent in the very systems we live within – socially, politically, spiritually and environmentally. This sort of tension, whilst cyclical, emerges at times ahead of a vast shift. This shift is impacting each of us in a unique manner, but those who are aged 15-18; 24-27; 45-48; 61-64; and 77-81 years will more keenly feel this oscillation as the wavelength to which they were born reaches harmony with this summer’s cosmic song.

In a paradoxical universe that is both fated and free, on a day-to-day level, there is nothing we can do to stop the archetypal nature of the changes afoot. However, on a psycho-spiritual level, not only can we more readily understand the intention behind those changes, we can choose how deeply we allow the extent of these harmonic shifts to penetrate our lives. Do we experience life as happening onto us, or do we take conscious responsibility for the way in which the archetypal potential manifests? That is the beauty of free will. We get what we ask for. Is that asking conscious or unconscious, well that’s another issue!

Look at the way in which the same energetic potential of a planetary cycle taking place on June 24th has previously arose in the recent past. It has coincided with massive social movements – the fall of the rigid hierarchical system across Eastern Europe in the late 1980s; the massive technological, social and ecological movements of the mid-1960s; the ascension of the economic movement that is currently imploding rose from the ashes of the shifts that took place in the 1930s. And those same conditions are currently moving into harmonic resonance with each other, and are there to be moulded and shaped according to your conscious intention. The potential exists to create new conditions of being. The question is whether you are prepared to deconstruct the very core structures of your life at all levels of your existence and therefore start life afresh, or are you content to sit on your throne by the Irish Sea, commanding the tide to stop?

There exists a very real opportunity to lay the foundation of radically new conditions of being this coming summer. And in the past seventy years, we have done just that. And look at what we created – the current system that is struggling for its life. Will it survive, will it morph into another parasitic system, or will we lay the foundation for a truly new system? Well, that is up to you. The peaking of this shift has been building over the past 19 years, but has intensified within the past three, and will reach its peak during this coming summer and continue its subito forzando over the next three years.

In contrast to the intensity of the collapsing Western way of being, it is no surprise that a very gentle energy is fully awakening before that. You can probably appreciate that these peaking moments are not isolated unto themselves. They are part of a continuum of growth that is perpetually ongoing. You can readily understand that if you look more closely at your own life and how insights have arisen, and the subsequent changes integrated into your way of being. As an example of this more subtle shift emerging, so as to better enable you to more readily understand the impact of that shift within you, take a moment to reflect on what shifts took place within your life during the early summer of 2004 – paying close attention to the movement within your value system, core beliefs and ideology. That May/ June’s activity was a prelude to the amazing climax of the rebirth of the sacred feminine taking place on June 6th. You can physically witness this celestial event, if you are living on the west coast of the US, as our star literally emblazons harmony and unconditional love onto Earth for the second time since the early 1880’s, something that will not be repeated until the year 2117.

Fortunately, neither space nor time are relevant at the deepest level of consciousness, so this emergence (as depicted in the vast rise of feminine heroines [albeit with masculine overtones] in both literature and cinema) will be keenly felt in the weeks thereafter. It is no coincidence that the infusion of the sacred feminine is taking place at a time wherein you can strongly feel the focus on the value of unity consciousness from mid-May through late June. The question being prompted during those weeks concerns the manner in which we are creating both community and civilisation?

As our collective ability to ingest and assimilate knowledge is also set to increase from June 11th, we do run the risk of becoming frazzled with information. Remaining grounded and being selective about what you absorb is critical now, as the media, the next social pillar set to fall before 2023, is likely to increase the volume of information designed to anesthetise you.

New life always starts with new thinking, and this is what is being reborn this summer – a new dawn. Each of us has a responsibility in the creation of those new conditions of being, so it is important to make a conscious collective choice as to what state of being you would like to see emerging, and to spend time holding space, meditating and actively visualising those shifts through positive thinking and visualisation. It is not sufficient to just think about changing. You have to feel the relevancy of it. You have to be the change. Take a moment to look within. Are you soulfully fulfilled and content? If not, what areas of your life need to change? Reflect on the chaotic conditions in the world around you, and know that their existence is ultimately a good signal since it means that an energetic framework exists that will support striking changes at this point in your life. The crescendo of this sea change process starts to climax on June 24th at 10:12am, a perfect opportunity to tune in and guide this new energy into conscious manifestation. The time to tune in to welcome the infusion of the sacred feminine takes place three weeks earlier on June 6th at 2:58am.

To receive Andrew’s free newsletter or to book a consultation, workshop or class, contact dastroc@iol.ie or 0868823554

Highlights of summer 2012’s cosmic activity

May 15th – June 27th – Venus is retrograde in Gemini
May 21st – Solar Eclipse and New Moon at 0 Gemini
June 4th – Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
June 6th – Venus transits across the face of the Sun
June 11th – Jupiter’s Ingress into Gemini
June 19th – New Moon at 28 Gemini
June 24th – Uranus and Pluto square each other
July 15th – August 8th – Mercury Retrograde in Leo
July 19th – New Moon at 26 Cancer
August 17th – New Moon at 25 Leo


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