Home Meditation & Mindfulness Spring Sneak Peek: The Secret to Success is Stillness, Meditation with Sandy C. Newbigging

Spring Sneak Peek: The Secret to Success is Stillness, Meditation with Sandy C. Newbigging

by Sandy C. Newbigging

The Secret to Success is Stillness


Accessing abundance, joy and ‘isness’.

By Sandy C. Newbigging

Success appears to mean different things for different people. For some, it might be optimum health, while others associate it with financial wealth or reaching the top of their organisation or profession. Irrespective of your personal benchmark for what a successful life looks like, it is only in discovering the inner presence of stillness that you can feel a true and lasting sense of satisfaction.

Like the surface of the ocean, your thoughts, emotions, body, career, relationships, finances and all other aspects of your external world are constantly changing. That’s what they do. Thoughts and emotions happen, while the body does its thing. New people enter your life as others leave. Careers change, political parties rise and fall and economic climates change as quickly as the weather.

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Sandy is the creator of Mind Detox therapy and Mind Calm meditation. He teaches Mind Calm Coaches via his award-winning academy. His new book, Mind Calm, published by Hay House, is out now. mindcalm.com.

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