Home Feng Shui Classical Feng Shui & Chinese Medicine, By Amanda Collins

Classical Feng Shui & Chinese Medicine, By Amanda Collins

by Amanda Sophia

The links between two healing energies.


By Amanda Collins

Classical Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed in China over 4,000 years ago and shares philosophical roots with acupuncture. Feng Shui reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for the inhabitants. Just as needles are used in acupuncture to treat the energy patterns of the body to improve the flow of energy and therefore your health, classical Feng Shui uses items from the five elements; earth, metal, water, wood and fire to balance the invisible energies in your home. Bringing the elements into our space also helps us reconnect with the natural order of things.

Chinese medicine has served its people well for thousands of years, succeeding in maintaining health, preventing and reducing illness in the Chinese and other adherents. Traditionally, a Chinese doctor was paid to maintain their clients’ overall health and to prevent illness. It was expected that all clients of traditional Chinese doctors would incorporate all eight limbs of Chinese medicine into their lives; acupuncture, herbology, bodywork, nutrition, I-ching astrology, Feng Shui, exercise and meditation. The principles governing all eight limbs are considered to be universal and have an intimately connected. These principles are based on the interactive nature of yin and yang, the dynamism of the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal, and perceiving and accessing Qi (chi) quality and flow.

feng shui quote

The Tao Te Ching also suggests using Feng Shui to maintain balance and well being in your life. Feng Shui is the only one of the eight limbs of Chinese medicine that is not of the physical body but of the environment. If we experience balancing in our physical body with acupuncture and herbs, yet step into homes that are chaotic or messy, this can throw us back out of balance. Having a home that is calm and peaceful will help us to rest, relax, and restore our vital energies.

When analysing the energy blueprint of a home using Feng Shui principles, we examine time and space. We read the building from the year it was built, to the direction and the exact degrees it sits and faces. We look at the surrounding areas such as the location of mountains and water, the proximity of freeways, graveyards, and so on. We then use calculations to arrive at a detailed analysis of the quality of Qi, yin/yang and the five elements to see how we can bring the building and residents back into harmony. In Chinese medicine, the analysis of there is a similar analysis but of the physical body.

When examining the home to bring it into balance, we look at what’s called the trigram map. These trigrams are associated with magnetic directions, the five elements and their corresponding colours, human personality types, body parts, related illnesses and numbers.

The Northwest Trigram for example is related to the main father/husband in the home. It also has to do with the physical body parts of head and lungs, large intestines and the element of metal, so if the person who lives in this house is experiencing breathing problems, we would immediately find out what is going on in that part of their home. The areas and elements allow us, through Feng Shui, the bring our wellbeing back into balance from a beautiful angle.

InternationalFengShuiSchool.com | AmandaCollins.com


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