Intuition & EFT

by Patrick

Sustainable Spiritual Health CareBy Margot Diskin & Clodagh O’Mara

Intuition is what remains when we step out of our mind and allow ourselves to go within, to feel, to look, listen and finally to notice what was a nagging certitude all along. It is as natural as breathing. It is on 24/7.  It never stops.  You can’t press pause and we all have access to it, whether you know it or not.

So, what stops us from living it? Well, in short, our mind, our emotions and our ego… three areas where EFT offers effective, practical help. EFT can be used to bring peace into the mind – it is an amazingly effective technique to collapse obsessive thoughts and other torments.

We tend to rely heavily on our thinking mind – the ceaseless stream of acquired theories and unquestioned beliefs (e.g. No pain, no gain). This part of us is designed to be right at all cost and it won’t shy away from rationalising, deceiving, denying, dismissing the truth and favouring logic over wisdom.  Paradoxically, when we are in the flow of intuition, the mind follows effortlessly.

The seat of our intuition however is the body itself. The body can never lie – it simply has no mechanism to do so. It will tell its truth again and again until the message gets through. Some call this message ‘disease’.

We possess two different innate ways to keep us safe from trouble: uncomfortable emotions – you know the ones, they are those that feel like a weight on your chest, a knot in your stomach or that make your blood boil – and our gut feeling or intuition.

Fear, which is supposed to keep us safe, may unfortunately deceive the purpose and even put us in greater danger. For example, a person afraid of dogs is more likely to get bitten by one than someone exercising normal caution. Martial artists, who do not succumb to hatred and anger for their opponent, act effortlessly and intuitively when the need to defend themselves arises.

Uncomfortable emotions act as snow and crackling on a TV screen and interfere with the clarity of our intuitive hunches.  Letting go of emotional baggage is therefore a crucial part of reconnecting with our intuition. When we feel peaceful, grateful, compassionate and loving, it is easy to hear the subtle voice of our inner wisdom.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a simple, effective and yet profound way to free those stuck emotional patterns and get back to peace and contentment.

Paradoxically, the desire to be intuitive, the fear of getting it wrong or being criticised, and attachment to results, all block the intuitive flow.

Intuition is actually none of our business. When we put aside our ego and hand it over to a wiser part of ourselves, this stream of awareness works through us and not by us. It is about listening, and trusting the listening without expectation of an answer or a solution. It emerges just from pure presence.  All the answers are there, ready to be harvested, in a common pool of consciousness.

EFT is the perfect tool to free ourselves from prejudice and the endless chatter of the mind, raw emotional reactions and egoic focus.

Of course the EFT practitioner needs a well-stocked toolbox of skills and techniques to draw from. However, with time and experience, intuition leads the session, the client’s core issues are easily uncovered, and the right pace and turn of phrase or funny comment that will turn the case around comes to mind effortlessly. A well-conducted EFT session may feel like a meditation where practitioner and client are united by a common intention.  Time and space cease to be important, rapport and understanding deepen and pain subsides leaving healing and peace.

Having recognised the crucial part that intuition plays in a healing practice, we here at Discover EFT dedicate a whole module of our EFT Foundation Course to reconnecting with it through practical and experiential work.

To this end, we have chosen to run the course in a wonderful Period house – a character filled, family-run B&B overlooking a lake and nestled amongst magnificent mature trees; a setting conducive to relaxation and inner listening.

Of course, our programme also covers practical EFT skills and techniques such as Level 1 & 2, with corresponding certificates, and there are ample opportunities for the participants to hone their newly acquired skills and flex those intuitive muscles. We also give advice on all practical aspects of setting up or expanding a practice for those who wish to embrace or enhance their career as an EFT practitioner.

Participants have reported deep and long lasting benefits that extend way beyond their professional activities. Some take the course for personal development purposes, others with a career in mind. For the majority, listening to intuitive guidance is now their way of life.

Margot Diskin & Clodagh O’Mara are co-facilitators on the Discover EFT Foundation Course.
For more info, visit

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