Home Positive News & Interviews The Notes of Life

The Notes of Life

by Patrick

CB0629294By Grant Connolly

When I was a small boy, my mother decided I should learn how to play the Piano and my teacher was a homeless man named Max. Max, being homeless, lacked bathing facilities, and sitting on that bench with him for more than a few minutes gave me a true appreciation for clean fresh air. God bless him!
Why do I mention this? It’s a good memory for me; but more than that, it reminds me that life is like playing a piano. It must be learned. No one with the exception of a Beethoven sits down and plays perfectly from the start. We must learn how to make those beautiful notes. This takes time and effort and in the meantime you may strike many wrong notes.

Imagine sitting in a Canyon with high walls that reflect back the notes we strike as an echo. These echoes tell us when we strike a wrong note. These “wrong notes” are instant feedback that we’re not playing in the proper way. Life is like that as well, except that the wrong notes we play echo back to us as financial lack, difficult relationships, illness and suffering.

These are simply indicators that we are not in alignment with who we really are. They do not mean that we are “bad” people or that there is something wrong with us. They are just the echoes produced by striking the wrong notes. With time and practice we start hitting the right notes more often and the echoes that return to our ear please us more frequently until we hear a symphony and our life becomes a joy.

When you habitually think a thought that does not feel good as you think it, it is very much like striking a wrong note. That habitual thought, whether you know it or not, goes out and returns just like the echo I spoke of, in the form of unpleasant circumstances.

To change the habitual thoughts that you are sending out, you need only release the difficult feeling attached to those thoughts. Change the feeling and you change the nature of the thoughts connected to them. Change your thoughts and you change the nature of the echo reflected back to you. Instead of financial lack, you start receiving financial abundance. Instead of bad relationships, you start receiving good ones, and so on.

With the ZPoint process, you can change the notes you play simply by putting your attention on the difficult feelings that arise as you think of certain parts of your life, releasing those feelings. As you do this, your life will begin to change and the echoes will sound sweeter.

This does not take a long time but it does require practice. If you decide today to change the notes you play, within several weeks you will start seeing a change in the echoes that are reflected back to you. Your life will improve and often quite dramatically.

My suggestion is to do this in a systematic way. Just as it is more difficult to learn to play the piano well on your own, having an experienced teacher guide you through this process can help you play the right notes that much faster. That way you can learn to play like the virtuoso you really are.

For the first time in Ireland, learn the unique and amazing ZPoint process with Grant Connolly. March 26th – 28th. Dublin. For details on this workshop, contact Sarah Bird on 0872193343 or sarah@sarahbird.ie

For more info on ZPoint, visit www.zpointforpeace.com

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