Home Food & Recipes How to Look and Feel Younger with Living Foods in their Natural State

How to Look and Feel Younger with Living Foods in their Natural State

by Patrick

Look & Feel Younger Naturally with Living Green Foods

Living green foods

By Cathal Spelman

You have seventy five trillion (75,000,000,000,000) amazing cells in your body, all working together in harmony. Your body produces seven million (7,000,000) new blood cells every second!

You are as healthy as the cells in your body. And your cells are as healthy as the food that you eat. You have a perfect (genetic) blueprint to be healthy and full of life. But most of the building materials, our modern food, is rubbish.

Unfortunately, our bodies will have to use the materials that we supply through the food we eat. After all, your body has to produce seven million new red blood cells every second of every day! So your body will just use the available materials.

That is where the trouble begins. You cannot build a healthy living vibrant body from food that is dead. And most modern food is dead. All forms of cooking destroys the cell structure of the food. We take even good ingredients, but we boil, bake, roast, and toast it into something un-natural and harmful.

The easy solution is to eat food in its natural state. That’s why I teach the living green foods lifestyle. Living green foods are the most natural and beneficial foods of all. This includes fresh green vegetables, and also home grown sprouted seeds, and wheatgrass.

The benefits you will enjoy are that your body will finally get the nutrients it has been craving, and in the correct proportions. And most importantly, this is in a water rich food that is naturally mild and free from the extremes of concentrated cooked and processed foods. And remember, the cells of this food are in a pristine state, ready to provide everything your body needs to create a healthy you.

  • Carbohydrates: You will get natural carbohydrates, in a water rich slow release format. Perfect for sustained energy.
  • Fats: You get an ample supply in the best of fatty acids in the correct proportion, and easy to digest.
  • Proteins: You need amino acids to make human protein. The living green food contains ample amounts of high quality amino acids.
  • Vitamins and minerals: You get all the vitamins and minerals that you need from this type of food.

Practical suggestions:

To get started right away with healthy living foods, simply make half your plate green with fresh leafy green foods at every meal. Put a delicious fresh dressing on top, and enjoy!

To make it even better, learn how to grow your own sprouted seeds and wheatgrass so that you can have your own living chlorophyll rich food in your kitchen every day of the year!

Here’s a delicious fresh Italian dressing you can make in your blender to go with your living green food:

Italian Dressing

  • 1 Cup olive oil
  • 1½ C tomatoes
  • 6 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 3-4 Dessert spoons nama shoyu, or tamari sauce, (or salt to taste)
  • 2 Dessert spoons honey
  • 2 teaspoon Italian herbs mix (a mix of basil, thyme, oregano, and garlic)
    pinch of asafetida or one clove garlic



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