Home Good Life Reclaim Your Creation with Bruce Lipton

Reclaim Your Creation with Bruce Lipton

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Reclaim Your Creation


Interviewer: Paul Congdon  Interviewee: Bruce Lipton

By Persephone Kianka

In our chat with Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, he told us that 1.6 planet Earths are required to support today’s global population, evincing our disregard for the web of life. We are the web of life because we evolved from nature, yet looking at the current state of the world, it is clear we have forgotten.

As an internationally recognised leader in bridging science and spirit, Bruce expertly reminds us of who we are so that we may experience the heaven on earth that is our birthright.


Referencing the story of the Garden of Eden, Bruce acknowledges our natural state of existence is paradise.

“A garden is not a battleground. A garden by its nature is the height of cooperation, and the only things that are not cooperating in the garden we came into is us,” he explained.

All the indigenous people, from Native Americans to Druids, recognised their role as gardeners, tasked with caring for the gardens they were born into. The result was harmony and abundance, which most humans feel disconnected from today due to our scarcity mindset.

We think we’re just victims thrown into life due to our belief in competition or “survival of the fittest” instilled by Darwin.

“A garden is cooperation, not competition,” Bruce reminds us, and it’s only a false program that makes us believe otherwise.

“We have been programmed to believe we are victims of life, and as a result, we have no control over anything.”

In reality, we are powerful creators, and recognising this is crucial to our survival as a species.


“The most valid science on the planet today is called quantum physics,” Bruce says, and the life-changing knowledge it gives us is nothing new.

From 1927 to this day, the first principle has always been “consciousness is creating our life experience,” yet not everyone is ready to acknowledge this.

Whether we like it or not, our creations directly result from the programs we have downloaded into the hard drive called subconscious.

Initially, this programming takes place three months before birth until age 7, when we’re in the theta state, just below consciousness.

Nature designed it this way so we can learn what to do before going out into the world, but unfortunately, most of the programs we receive nowadays are more harmful than helpful.

When these programs become the predominant source of our behaviour 95% of the time, it’s no wonder we’re dissatisfied with our creations.

According to science, the average person is only present 5% of their day, meaning that’s the only time they’re truly in control.

“When you’re conscious, you take over the computation”, Bruce explained, so how do we regain control?


The answer is love.

If you’ve seen The Matrix, science has recognised that falling in love is equivalent to the red pill in our world. It allows us to escape the matrix because the moment we fall in love, we stop thinking; when we stop thinking, we’re back in control.

Bruce assures us that the genre of this movie is not sci-fi but a documentary.

“Science has recognised the moment you fall in love, you stop thinking,” he told us, meaning you stay present and thus can experience heaven on earth.

Those of us who have been in love know that in that state, everything seems wonderful, even the areas of life that were troublesome or mundane before.

Contrary to what we may have thought then, this has nothing to do with the person we’re seeing and everything to do with ourselves.

When we’re in love, whether with a person, place, or activity, we stop playing the disempowering programs and return to our natural state of bliss.

We’re in creative mode and can easily manifest our wishes and desires, which we often call the “honeymoon phase” in a relationship.


The truth is the “honeymoon phase” can last forever, but most people sabotage it by returning to thinking.

The key is to recognise the disempowering programs for what they are: neutral stories that we don’t have to buy into, no matter how many generations have done so before us.

Even genes are just blueprints; they aren’t turned on and off, Bruce clarified. What’s important is the architect who’s reading the blueprint.

“The mind is the architect,” he revealed, which has become alarmingly clear in epigenetics.

This new science exposes “how your consciousness is translated into chemistry, which is sent to your cells via the blood, and this chemistry controls your genetics.”

In other words, our belief system controls our biology, so adopting a favourable one is crucial to living the life we want.

After 40+ years of dysfunctional relationships, thanks to the program Bruce downloaded from his father, he changed the program and met his partner Margaret.

They celebrated 28 years together recently, and what’s worth celebrating even more is that they have been living every day in heaven and harmony.

“A honeymoon is a personal creation,” he assures us.


The next time you’re faced with a decision, questioning whether you should do this or that, Bruce advises you to ask your heart.

“Don’t answer the question until you do this: ask yourself how you feel about the answer or the choice. The answer now comes from your heart, not from your head, because the heart reads vibration.”

We can weigh as many pros and cons as we like, but the heart doesn’t care about the details; it cares about energy.

We can’t change our programs by talking but by feeling.

“There’s nobody in the subconscious, so talking to your subconscious is like talking to the air,” Bruce clarified.

To write a new program, all we have to do is “push the record button”, return to presence, and then we can reprogram ourselves in 15 minutes.

To grasp this life-changing knowledge even deeper, join us for our live events with Bruce this September in collaboration with seminars.ie.

“I’m living a life I swear to god I never thought possible,” Bruce remarked, and it’s about time more of us step into our creative power to experience our versions of paradise.



Drop into your Heart this Summer and pick up a copy of the magazine at a stockist near you! Our full list of stockists can be found here, https://www.positivelife.ie/magazine/stockists/

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