Home Happiness Transforming Trauma with Human Garage

Transforming Trauma with Human Garage

by Taylor Grimes

Transforming Trauma 

The Fascial Way to Freedom 

By Alison McEvoy 

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As we become an ever more trauma aware and trauma informed society, there are people coming forward to share what they discovered on their own journeys of healing from trauma.  

Trauma can happen at any time. What many of us are now realizing is that our childhoods, our pasts and even our yesterdays may be filled with traumatic events. This is part of life and living, yet so too is help and healing.  

However, when trauma goes unnoticed, unacknowledged and untended, this is when our mental, emotional and physical health ultimately gets affected. If traumas happened early on in our lives, then the mental-emotional landscape we live in is the only one we know. Releasing this trauma and allowing new mental-emotional-physical landscapes of thinking, feeling and movement can be a big undertaking. However, our body will always respond to our efforts and use all its inner resources to help us – and just as our bodies have great healing capacities, so too do our emotions and thoughts have their own ‘antibodies’ just waiting to be released; to soothe and mend.  

Human Garage, founded by Garry Lineham, is one such group which is pioneering new ways to heal from trauma. Human garage has a distinctly physical approach, focusing in on movement patterns generated by trauma and see these as a root which can be used to create shift through the whole of the human being; 

“To really heal from trauma, it’s essential that we also move our body…Twisted bodies, twisted emotions, twisted thoughts and twisted perceptions.” 

Focus on Fascia 

Human Garage began as a clinic in Venice, California and ran for ten years, initially treating individuals and eventually finding professional athletes, celebrities and other high profilers coming through its doors. After a decade of practice and discovery, they decided to close their doors and focus less on providing therapy to individuals and more on educating as many people as possible to maintain and improve their own health and well-being.  

Garry and crew created a movement process in 2020 to free up movement patterns restricted by trauma and allow for new movement circuits to be created. They call this process “fascial manoeuvres”. According to Human Garage these are the “most powerful healing movements”. 

When we reprogram the fascia the body transforms mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Why Fascia? 

Human Garage saw that trauma was held in the fascia which covers the human body. Fascia is a kind of webbing which covers every part of the body and is thus the interconnecting fibre which links every body part with every other part. It allows for the transmission of messages between the entire body and the brain; 

“The human body is made up of fascia, and it’s the most perceptive and profound part of us… As we currently understand it, fascia is a multidimensional construct made up of connective tissue that holds both memory and emotion. It controls our movement patterns and carries a unique metaphysical signature. This substance picks up internal and external stimuli, and communicates that information to the brain to be processed… Fascia is the most powerful organ in the body. It holds the muscles, bones, organs and nervous system. When we reprogram the fascia the body transforms mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.” 

Fascial manoeuvres for Free! 

The beauty of the Human Garage is not only it’s innovation and drive towards healing discoveries, but the way in which it shares this information. 

Human Garage hosts ‘Transforming Trauma workshops’ – large scale gathering hundreds of people which tap into the collective and communal power for change. They also, however, have a wealth of free resources as they are determined to remove the financial barriers to healing for those who have the will but not the financial way.  

You’ll find an ‘upper body reset’, ‘lower body reset’, ‘organ reset’ and ‘fascial facial’ free on their website allowing you to discover fascial manoeuvres anytime, anywhere. There’s a blog, podcasts and free downloadable guides.   

Trauma tool-kit 

As those of us who have become aware of trauma operating in our bodies, minds and lives become motivated to heal, change and grow, we must seek out what we find uniquely helpful and healing on our own particular journey. 

We sort and sift through information and offerings, trusting our inner knowing along the way. This too is part of the journey. We do this for ourselves, for those who have gone before us and those yet to come. Just as trauma and pain can be handed down through generations, so can healing and love.  

Human garage wishes to “see a world where billions of people have the power to heal themselves and have taken back control of their health again.”  


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