Ozone Therapy
By Persephone Kianka
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Ozone therapy is the use of medical ozone to relieve the symptoms of various diseases relating to cellular damage caused by excess free radicals (oxidative stress). It can also aid in pain management, chronic fatigue, and anti-ageing treatments, thanks to its role as a cellular “garbage can” that cleans up free radicals.
It does this by producing the three enzymes that constitute the body’s main defense against these radicals: superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. By neutralizing free radicals, ozone can clean the cellular debris that accumulates throughout one’s life. Preventive ozone therapy could also have a “cellular anti-ageing effect”, given that the current understanding of ageing is based on the accumulation of radicals at an intracellular level (oxidative stress).
Ozone’s other significant benefit is the stimulation of blood circulation, which boosts metabolism. Both blood circulation in the affected tissues and the transport of oxygen, and therefore the supply of energy to those areas, is improved. When applied at a general level (systemic), medical ozone can significantly decrease cellular damage due to lack of oxygenation.
In addition, ozone positively stimulates the immune system. As it generates more aggressive leukocytes (white blood cells), viruses are attacked more quickly and with greater force.
Scientific research has also shown the regulatory effects of ozone on cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine, uric acid, and glucose in the blood, decreasing the values when they are high and stabilizing them at optimal levels. There is clinical evidence to support ozone therapy as a treatment that improves the quality of life of people with diabetes “to the extent that some insulin-dependent people have been able to reduce their insulin dose by 30 to 50%, due to the ability of ozone to enhance cell glycolysis (use of sugar)”.
Evidently, ozone therapy is continuing to demonstrate its effectiveness as a treatment. While many people still don’t know about it, it has actually been in use for almost 100 years now. Due to its antiseptic properties (it’s antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal), Germans even used it during World War I to prevent soldiers from getting infected, according to Dr Gehad El Bastawisy, the Medical Director and Founder of Regenecare.
In an interview with RED FM, he commented that “this treatment has proven very, very effective” and is now in use all around the world.
It can also aid in pain management, chronic fatigue, and anti-ageing treatments…
Currently, it’s only available in Ireland at the Drummartin Clinic. There, Dr Patrick Magovern offers effective solutions to peoples’ health problems when standard medicine has not worked for them. One patient who suffered a back injury reported that after doing physiotherapy and steroid injections to no avail, he came to Dr Magovern for ozone therapy and noticed an improvement within about five days.
For anyone who wants to have direct access to this therapy, the company Promolife sells ozone units hand-built in Arkansaw, as well as other ozone products that you can import. We hear they are excellent and seem like a significant step towards empowering people to take charge of their health!