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Colour Your Life

by Admin

Throughout history colour and light have been used by every culture, religion and society in a variety of ways. By altering the colours that surround us, colour therapy proposes that we can alter our state of health. It has been proven that light, or the absence light, can have a great effect on our mental and physical states of health. Colour therapy has grown out of this ancient use of colour to enhance health and wellbeing.

We are in a world where colour dominates our lives, from reading signs on the road to identifying ripe fruit by its colour. Colour affects our moods – blue is calming, red can make us tense. We use colour everyday in our lives without even appreciating it. But, it’s the  colour we choose that acts like a mirror to us and can reveal our hidden potential, our gifts, talents and so much more.

Using the seven colours of the spectrum, colour therapy aims to balance and enhance our body’s energy centres or chakras, and also to help stimulate our body’s own healing process. Therapists consider your aura, which is an array of colours that emanate naturally from all of us but which few of us can observe. Colour therapists also believe that the seven colours of the rainbow relate to the body’s seven main chakras. So, if you’re feeling blue, a multi-coloured treatment could be just the thing your internal colour palette is yearning for.


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