An alternative census that gets to the heart of our population. By asking deeper questions, we’ll find meaningful answers to who we are and what we feel as people alive in Ireland in 2016.
The Trailblazery presents an alternative census to the 2016 National Census took place in Ireland on the night of April 24, coinciding with the precise anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising. Census of the Heart which covers every county on the island of Ireland and runs until May 22nd is a national enquiry that aims to capture the deeper dimension of people’s lived experience and find out what it really means to be alive in Ireland exactly 100 years after the Rebellion. Census of the Heart delves a little deeper into the psyche and soul of the people in Ireland. Responding to the general categories of the census, we have come up with questions that explore other ways of knowing and understanding what it means to be alive in Ireland in 2016.
Why an alternative census? We have all been immersed in the story of Ireland’s past with the centenary commemorations, remembering the lives of the men and women on this island 100 years ago. Census of the Heart aims to excavate and preserve the state of our nation in 2016 for future generations.
The Ask: Tell us how you feel: Our mission is to connect with a broad section of people across the island of Ireland so we can get straight to the heart of things. We believe that all voices are important. We’re asking you to help us achieve our vision by completing Census of the Heart and then sharing it with friends, family, colleagues and even random strangers via your personal and professional social networks. The Census of the Heart survey will be running until May 22, 2016.
If you wish to participate, please visit