Home Happiness Living the Frequency of Love with Ella Ringrose

Living the Frequency of Love with Ella Ringrose

by Taylor Grimes

Living the Frequency of Love

Welcome in the New Earth

Interviewer: Paul Congdon

Interviewee: Ella Ringrose

By Aist? S. Gram


It was a pleasure to sit down with Ella Ringrose on the 18th of October at the United Arts Club. Ella spoke to us about her ever-evolving journey of living a heart-centred life and shared her eight guiding principles for navigating this time of transition to the New Earth. Her insights are perfectly aligned with our theme of Frequency.

Ella is a Physic, Healer, and Thought Leader from Ireland. Her mission is to awaken humanity to its multidimensional power and help usher in a New Paradigm to Earth.

When asked how her journey began, Ella shared that she had always been highly sensitive, even as a child, though at the time she didn’t fully understand what was happening. She struggled at school, was diagnosed with dyslexia and dyspraxia, and often felt out of place. Then one day, and she believes it was the first time she heard the Spirit talk to her, she received guidance to drop out of school. And so, she did. It was an unsettling period, but her brother filled her bookshelf with hundreds of self-development and spiritual books. One of them, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers, had a profound impact on her and inspired her to finally start making YouTube videos – something she had always wanted to do.

But it wasn’t until her twenties that everything finally clicked into place for Ella. She was living in Canada at the time, still feeling lost. Despite considering herself an atheist back then, she humbly said a prayer and asked for help. The very next day, she was guided to a bookstore, where she discovered Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein, and experienced her first shift and a beautiful vision of glowing light. She bought the book, read it immediately, and that’s when everything truly began. ‘It all happened overnight,’ Ella laughs. The angels, the guides—everything started pouring in, and she believes that’s when her awakening took place. From that point onward, she began exploring and practising her psychic gifts. To date, she’s done over a thousand readings, along with numerous videos and interviews, sharing her light and wisdom with the world.

When asked about her view on the differences between the Guides and the Angels, Ella shared that Angels feel lighter to her, almost like a warm embrace. She believes they come from a higher realm, embodying a more nurturing and supportive energy. In contrast, Guides are more grounded to the Earth plane and are there to encourage you to get down to business. So if you need some softening, turn to the Angels; but if you require direct advice on action, seek out the Guides. Even if both are a little different, at the end of the day, it’s all for the Highest Good.

The eight principles Ella shared with the audience came to her as downloads during her time living in ten different countries. She explained that she was absorbing codes or lessons in each location, and it was through this process that she received the gift she now shares with others.

Paul asked how much attention we should pay to what’s happening in the world right now, and Ella responded that it’s about being conscious without feeding into it. Her guides always tell her, ‘When you have the information, you are in the light.’ She illustrated this by describing a scenario in a dark room where you hear something frightening; when you turn on the light, you see it’s just a bird that’s gotten into the room and is flapping its wings. Awareness can ease some of our fear.

There’s a lot of talk in the spiritual community about the New Earth and the date it will fully manifest, making it easy to fall into a pattern of waiting for good times to come. Instead, Ella suggests that we can choose to live in the frequency of the New Earth now, becoming the ones who help usher it in. The journey to the New Earth is an inside journey; it’s an individual shift. This is happening every day as people begin to question and awaken to their own divinity.

Ella reminds us once again that the outside is a mirror of the inside. You can choose to “inhibit joy or create your own vortex, your own matrix, your own system of love and light within your being, and let that ripple out.” Let love be your greatest guiding force.

To Ella, 5D energy appears as a massive ball of orange light, which she describes as vibrant and joyous. She reminds us that spirituality doesn’t always have to be so serious—connecting to Source can also be playful and light. And so watching a good comedy can sometimes be just as impactful as meditating. Ella believes that children naturally embody this higher frequency and encourages us to follow their example.

Let us not forget that living in Love is also living in Joy. May our embodiment of the New Earth pave the way for others.

8 principles to embody the New Earth, by Ella Ringrose

1. Abundance is your natural state of being. When you are contracted or in scarcity, remember your true nature of infinite light; contraction is our default, not our natural state of being. Continue to expand your light, even when it challenges you.

2. Oneness in everything. The dark, the bad, the ugly, the light, the love—it is all one and stems from the One. See oneself in every person you cross and remember that oneness is our primordial state. We are connected to everything. In this understanding, we stop fighting, and we remember.

3. Be like God. Remember God as a powerful source that floods within you. You too are God.

4. Let life show you the way by going within yourself. Let life be your compass and symbol for what needs tweaking and shifting within.

5. Everything, absolutely everything, is a choice. You can choose a high-achieving path or a slow, encompassing path. Neither is easier or harder, as all holds the power of your choice. Choose the reality you wish to live in.

6. Life is for LOVE, simple as that.

7. To be grateful is to know this experience is a blessing of creation.

8. You are a creational being and create all through your thought, word, and focus.


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