Home Happiness Follow Your Desires – Transform the World!

Follow Your Desires – Transform the World!

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A life more extraordinary.

Photo by Patrick Bridgeman

Photo by Patrick Bridgeman

By Janine Thorpe

Within each of us, there is a life force that is longing to be expressed and shared. Some of it we express easily and with joy, and some of it has not yet been realised. We long to be free to follow our deepest desires.

When we follow our deepest desires, we can create the life that lights us up and that lights up the world around us. Our sense of self becomes more alive, more vibrant and more whole, and that inspires others to do the same. As we all ignite with our own passion and aliveness, and as we share who we really are, we transform the world around us.

So what are your deepest desires, and what might your life look like if you were to follow them? What would change? What would stay the same? What would you be receiving? What would you be sharing? How would you feel?

To begin lighting up your life, love and celebrate all the parts of your life that already feel beautiful and fulfilling. Love and celebrate all the parts that are currently fi nding their way to self-expression. Love and celebrate those parts that feel unloved or unaccepted, for they too are valuable. It is from these parts that new gifts and abilities can emerge. And most of all love and celebrate all of who you are!

Janine Thorp is an Intuitive Life Coach, Channel and healer who helps spiritual entrepreneurs and others to activate their gifts, do what they love and live a freedom-based lifestyle.  janinethorp.com

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