Home Happiness How Do We Live a Good Life?

How Do We Live a Good Life?

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How to live a good life

Space and time to see the path.

By Jai Kartar Kaur

How do I live a good life? This has been a paramount question for me for as long as I can remember. My extensive travels as a child made me aware very early on that there are numerous choices to be made by us, and there are also numerous choices that are made for us.

I was baffled by the extreme variations that I witnessed in the world. I remember my father cautiously guarding his wallet from poverty stricken children in Lima, watching decadently dressed adults swill cocktails while gambling in Las Vegas, a smiling toothless Taiwanese woman touching my blond hair as she gave me a necklace of painted nuts. I was puzzled by why some had so much and others had so little. One thing that was obvious was that people’s happiness was by no means proportional to their material wealth or station in life.

I knew that I wanted my choices to have a positive impact and to somehow, satiate my longing to belong. The looming question was and still is, “How do I live a good life?” I spend some time every day in contemplation of this and I’ve found that the answer lies in continually asking this question. Day by day, step by step, it helps to guide me.

As a dedicated Kundalini yogi, I begin my day with sadhana, meaning ‘spiritual practice’ and derived from the Sanskrit word ‘sadh’ which means ‘to reach one’s goal’. My sadhana involves contemplation on the Divine Creator through the recitation of Japji, yoga exercises and meditation. They each give me time and space to listen for the answer of my ever-lingering question, “How do I live a good life?”

This is a sneak peek, read the rest of the article in the winter 2015 issue of Positive Life. Subscribe | Stockists

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