Special Event: Baba Dez at Buddha Bag – Bringing the Serpents Back to Ireland
“Perhaps uniquely in the world, Ireland understands deeply the cost of separation and battle between two opposing parts of the self. And perhaps nowhere else is a sense of humour, a celebration of life and an awareness of the hidden springs of nature so irrepressible. This island has a great history of both pagan celtic druidic tradition and christian religion. There has been suffering and damage from their interaction and there is still a good deal of shame, guilt & fear around sexuality and repression of the body & emotion. Has the time come to banish this and to bring the serpent energy back to Éire with a healing, integration, resurrection and celebration of the wisdom of the heart, body, sexuality & consciousness?”
The talk and forum will examine and discuss local, regional, and worldwide myths and belief systems and how can these can imprison us or set us free.
Baba Dez shares the importance of every adult reclaiming their birthright of Love, Freedom, and Power.
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Venue TBA
Book at buddhabagmeeting@gmail.com