Sadhguru is an Indian yogi and a mystic with an enormous passion for helping people to access their Divine wisdom. Inner Engineering is his method for helping people to reach their peak potential. He is visiting London for a two-day course in Inner Engineering Completion on April 20th and 21st, which is preceded by a prerequisite Inner Engineering online course. Read on to learn more!
London Events
Our friends over at Plant Consciousness have some great news! Please check out below:
Plant Alchemy
Biodynamcs Interview & Much More…
Dear Plant Lovers!
We have been spending time with this year’s event speakers and we’re all waiting in anticipation for this year’s Plant Consciousness, which is just 2 weeks away! Johnathan Code of the Biodynamic Association will be sharing the esoteric qualities of the magical Yarrow plant and below is our interview with him – check it out!
We’ve also got a whole stall and social room full of exciting plant and shamanic related products and services for you to peruse, below are 2 of the stalls that will be present.
Tickets are now selling fast and we expect a sell-out! Book Tickets Here
Biodynamics & Plant Alchemy – Jonathan Code
Plant Consciousness ’16 Speaker, Johnathan Code Speaks About The Magical Yarrow
At the event Johnathan will be Presenting:
Encountering Yarrow: A Miracle Of Creation
As we move from the field toward the forest we encounter a rich diversity of plants that live ‘on the edge’. In amongst these threshold plants we find Achillea millefolium – yarrow, which has been known for its gifts since antiquity. It has a prime place in the apothecary, in the kitchen and in the material medica of the herbalist. It features in the realm of divination and for nearly a century now, yarrow has also featured in the unique approach to land stewardship that goes by the name of ‘biodynamics’.
Join me in this exploration of yarrow as we delve into the wonders of this remarkable threshold plant.
Click here for an interesting video with more info.
2 Weeks To Go – Book Your Ticket!
The Plant Consciousness 2016 event will demonstrate in dynamic ways the intelligence of the hedgerows and fields outside of the forest, before venturing ever deeper into the Enchanted Woodland where we will learn how to cultivate and nurture our own ‘Inner Forest’
Combining talks, music, plant essences for journeying, practical sessions and a plethora of wisdom from the green beings!
Only £144 for the whole weekend!
(Plus PayPal booking fee )
John Perkins workshop – 3rd Oct – London
In this workshop you will journey deep into nature’s universe and learn to shapeshift yourself and your community – local and global – using powerful techniques John was taught in the Amazon. You will learn how to direct your incredible power towards positive dreams.
This is a time for you to create true prosperity in your life, your community, and across the planet. This is the time to manifest a future in harmony with the plants!
What Else Will be At Plant Consciousness?
Music, Stalls, Art…there’s lots more at Plant Consciousness!
Here are 2 of the stalls for you to enjoy!
Findhorn Foundation
We are pleased to announce that the Findhorn Foundation – the original plant centred community in Scotland – have joined us as event partners for Plant Consciousness. They will have a table at the event where you can meet speaker, tree consciousness expert and long time member, Judy McAllister.
British Flower & Vibrational Essence Association
We are delighted to be joined by the leading association in the country for flower essences. A wonderful group of practitioners working deeply with the consciousness of flowers. Do visit their stall for some inspirational chat!
Last Places For Yew Mysteries
Day 1 Is Now Sold Out – 5 places left for Day 2
There are just 5 places left for Michael Dunning’s Yew Mysteries, Essence Of The Five Trees workshop in the beautiful Brecon Beacons on Sunday 16th October.
According to the Yew Mysteries, the divine ‘essence’ of the five trees is a powerful healing force – a force of eternity- that is held by all of our ancient yew trees. During this workshop we will learn to encounter and to work with this healing force beneath ancient yews trees through a direct experience of the elemental forces and beings of the yew. This is known as the Underworld ( Annwn) of the Yew Mysteries.
Continue Reading (scroll down the website page for Day 2) >>>