This is an exciting weekend!
Saturday, April 1st
€80 including the complete day workshop
€30 10-12noon Gentle Vinyasa Yoga w/intro to Ayurveda
€50 2-4pm Understanding Your Ayurvedic Constitution & Kitchari Cleanse
Sunday, April 2nd
€80 including the complete day workshop
€30 10-12noon Gentle Vinyasa Yoga w/intro to Ayurveda
€50 2-4pm Understanding Your Ayurvedic Constitution & Kitchari Cleanse
€108 1.5hr one-on-one Consultation with oil therapy
Reservations: 8:30am, 12:30pm, 4:30pm
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Extra days:
Thursday & Friday March 30 & 31st
Mary will be doing a Led Primary Series & Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga in Trim Co. Meath. Intermediate Series is possible for advanced students. Contact Mien: 085-128-6275