Body Talk

by Patrick


By David McCarthy

If a light starts flashing in your car to warn that the petrol tank is nearly empty, you wouldn’t cover up the light to try to get rid of the problem. You’d fill up the tank. In the same way, covering up a symptom of a physical problem in the body with drugs or medication doesn’t always treat the cause of the problem.

One highly effective alternative for finding the source of a problem and healing the body is Amatsu. Suitable for all ages, from newborns to the elderly, this modern adaptation of a 5,000-year-old, holistic Japanese therapy treats the whole body, not just the symptoms. Without using medication, or any invasive manipulation, Amatsu is a gentle realignment therapy which facilitates the body in healing itself.

If a client came to me with knee pain, for example, it would be necessary for me to release their foot, knee, pelvis and spine so that they can walk the corrections through and shift back into place. In an hour-long session, I will use Amatsu to work on the whole body, releasing the muscles, bones, ligaments, organs, joints and cranial (head) bones.

Amatsu treats a huge variety of ailments and injuries and is best known for benefiting and often completely healing spinal, joint and muscular problems. Many clients who suffer from migraine or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) also get amazing results.

I discovered the benefits of Amatsu many years ago and I am still amazed at how well it works. Over the years, all sorts of internal and external injuries have been fixed through this treatment. It can even reveal hidden problems, for example, that a dislocated ankle bone is manifesting itself as deferred pain in the back. Once the ankle is realigned, the back pain disappears.
Tel: 0851434299


By Margot Diskin

Eminently simple, gentle and yet powerful, EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is a tapping, healing technique that is making its way from our Western culture to some of the most remote corners of the Developing World.

I have been very proactive in spreading EFT to Costa Rica a few days after the last major earthquake and to East Africa where I share EFT with some of the poorest communities in the World. I give free sessions and workshops to villagers, AIDS support groups and community projects.

In the West, I go very deep with EFT, working with advanced and innovative techniques, and I treat a lot of cases of depression, anxiety, addictions, etc.  In Africa, very simple EFT is enough to empower people to treat their every day aches and pains. EFT is so well adapted to the African situation, given that it requires no drugs, no needles and no written material. We have obtained wonderful results there with people who had been severely traumatized or carrying debilitating physical pain, sometimes for years, and who were able to find freedom from pain and suffering, often in minutes.

Whether in the West or in Africa, my main focus is on education; to keep spreading EFT. We have started to train ‘Barefoot’ EFT Practitioners in Tanzania and Kenya. To this end, last summer we brought four practitioners over there that had trained with us in Ireland. It’s only a beginning.

Margot Diskin, EFT-Adv, EFT Cert-II is an Advanced EFT Practitioner and Trainer, she is the creator and facilitator of EFT professional training courses and transformational workshops and one of the Founding Members of Uzima, an Irish-Registered Charity whose aim it is to spread sustainable forms of Alternative Medicine to the Developing Word.
Tel: 091 529941

Anusara Yoga

By Mari Kennedy

Yoga transforms our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. Through the practice of postures, breathwork and meditation, we move bones and muscles, changing habits and stuckness in the body so the life-force, the Shakti, can flow. We learn to turn to the breath, be present and connect with the deepest part of ourselves, our essence that is never changing. In the words of Gurumayi, the function of Hatha Yoga is to “physicalise the qualities of the heart”.

Yoga, particularly Anusara Yoga, taught me that to really find freedom, we need to cultivate stability and steadiness in our lives. Yoga offered me ways to hold such paradoxes. A tree needs deep roots to spread and express its magnificent bounteous branches. On the mat, we root to rise. We blossom into the fullness of our radiance when we have a consistent practice, a space to stop and pay attention.

Yoga showed me how to “be fully at home in the body and its desires, the mind and its ideas and the spirit and its light.” Through the practice, I found my sensitivity to know again what is life-giving in my life, and equally importantly, what is not. It transformed deep habits of judgement into playful curiosity. Yoga taught me to tell myself the truth, to radically accept myself and my life circumstances. Yoga showed me how to play with the edges of my comfort zone, how to soften the limited view I held of myself and how to be the best version of myself I can be.

My Anusara Yoga practice and teaching continues to offer me all this rich wisdom on a daily basis. So, when I roll my mat up and walk back into my life, filled up with the remembrance that we are all eternal, joyful beings, it demands that I “show up” fully responsible and fully, radiantly alive! And that’s a therapy I want to teach and share with the world.

Mari is a yoga teacher with classes in Oscailt and Yoga Dublin studios.

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