Donn Brennan is one of Ireland’s foremost experts on the ancient healing practice of Ayurveda. In our Summer 2020 issue, we were thrilled to learn more from him about simple health-boosting strategies from the Maharishi school of Ayurveda.
Reboot & Restore
Simple strategies from Maharishi Ayurveda
by Donn Brennan
Maharishi Ayurveda is the global revival of the most ancient Tradition of Health. One of its eight branches is devoted to ‘Reboot and Restore’.
‘Rasayana’ is the science of Rejuvenation. ‘Rasayana’ is that which creates ‘Ojas’ – a fine essence we extract from our digestion of both food and life. With ‘Ojas’ we experience joy, love, vitality, clarity, creativity and become the best version possible of our self. For ‘Ojas’ we need to ingest the finest materials and transform them appropriately.
The finest materials are not just the best quality food and air, but also our best thoughts, speech, and action. Behaviours like speaking sweetly, spiritual pursuits, cleanliness, charitable works, respecting elders etc. rejuvenate. Also, adequate sleep, appropriate routine and exercising to comfortable capacity are included. Scientific research validates these ancient prescriptions.
Digestion is so important. The simple advice of eating in the appropriate manner (sitting, with hunger, relaxing) and enjoying the best quality food is critical for optimum health. There are many ‘Rasayana’ herbal preparations also. Our lifestyle and diet may not have been as perfect as we would wish. Strategies in Ayurveda to clear toxins undo the damage.
Time in lock-down gives opportunity to review and renew. Time to yourself. The best strategy from Ayurveda for rebooting and restoring is Transcendental Meditation. An excellent, evidence-based technique to be still and truly yourself. From each session you emerge refreshed, clear and at ease. Rejuvenation and better health are just some of the scientifically validated benefits.