We love the sound of Judy Satori’s upcoming event in Ireland, which will bring energetic support and activation to those who are ready to spiritually elevate to a whole new level. Keep reading to find out more…
We are pleased to share the details of our latest Positive Nights event with Seminars.ie: an evening with Dr. Joe Vitale, exploring the six steps to enlightenment. Dr. Joe has recently written a book on this very subject, so we can’t wait to learn more.
This event will take place on Thursday May 27th at 7.30 p.m. Irish Time. The link and login details will be sent to all ticket holders the day beforehand, and a replay will be sent the following morning, for anyone who can’t make it live, or wants to watch the event again.
Book your place here.
Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of far too many books to mention here. Here are just a few of them:
He wrote the bestseller, ‘The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else) from the inside out’. It became a #1 bestseller twice, even beating the latest Harry Potter book.
He also wrote Life’s Missing Instruction Manual: The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth. It, too, became a #1 bestseller and was picked up by WalMart.
One of his most popular titles is called ‘Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More.’ This book reflects on an ancient Hawaiian practice, known as Ho’oponopono. Joe has hosted multiple live events on this subject, and he has created quite a following on this title alone.
Our event with Joe will focus on the six steps to enlightenment.
Book your place here.
Today, we are excited to share a sneak peek from our recently released Summer 2019 issue. Indian mystic Sadhguru sat down with us for a conversation on evolution, his Inner Engineering programme, the yogic path and more. To read the full article, pick up a copy of our new magazine in your local stockist, or subscribe to have a copy delivered right to your door.
Discover Transference Healing: Alexis Cartwright to Visit Ireland in May 2018
Alexis Cartwright – the world-renowned spiritual teacher and founder of Transference Healing® – is visiting Ireland this summer to deliver a series of profound workshops that will help you to bring more joy and peace into your life, in addition to accelerating your journey towards awakening. Her workshops will be held from May 3rd to May 6th in the Maryborough Hotel & Spa, Douglas, Co. Cork. To learn more about her, visit transferencehealing.com. Information about her Irish events can be found at this link.
Alexis Cartwright is a world-renowned spiritual teacher and channeller who founded the revolutionary Transference Healing® method at the age of thirty-two, following many years of personal growth and awakening. Growing up in a small inland mining community in Queensland, Australia, she felt a deep connection to the earth and minerals around her from a very early age. By the age of nineteen, she was offering professional psychic readings to people in her community. These readings focused on uncovering the spiritual purposes and destinies of those who came to her.
Over time, Alexis was guided to learn about and understand the universal mysteries that underpin our lives here on Earth. She ultimately developed all that she had learned into a special healing modality known as Transference Healing®. This high-frequency modality aims to support our ascension path and enable the integration of our physical bodies with our light bodies. She now travels around the world teaching this modality to all who are guided to learn from her.
Alexis will be visiting Ireland in May 2018 to deliver a series of inspirational channelling sessions and workshops. A description of each event, together with their times and dates, are listed below. All events are taking place in the Maryborough Hotel & Spa, Douglas, Co.Cork.
Trance Channel – AM Session: Thursday May 3rd, 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Alexis’ Trance Channel sessions provide you with an opportunity to receive divine healing and a channelled reading about your own unique journey of ascension. With the support of her guide Melchizedek, Alexis will perform a light body activation to help you anchor aspects of your Higher Self. These are divine healing and “destiny and purpose” readings that trigger deep healing and growth. A maximum of seven people can participate in each Trance Channel session. Once each person has received their individual healing and reading, Alexis will end the session with a meditation for the group. Click here for information and booking.
Trance Channel – PM Session: Thursday May 3rd, 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
This session will be conducted in the same way as the AM session described above. Click here for information and booking.
Interdimensional Doorways: Saturday May 5th, 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
This is one of three Interdimensional Doorways events that Alexis will be holding in 2018. Alexis explains that 2018 is the Year of Chokmah, which is an auspicious year to begin doing and creating with your spiritual gifts. During the Interdimensional Doorways event, she will expand on this theme, teaching you how you can rapidly grow and learn on your path to personal and spiritual freedom. If you feel drawn to attend this amazing event, don’t leave it too late to book your ticket. Bookings for the Interdimensional Doorways event will close on March 31st. After this, Alexis will tune into the group to bring through special information and energies for the particular people who have signed up. Click here for information and booking.
Alchemy Workshop: Sunday May 6th, 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
This three-hour workshop will teach you how to work with Alexis’ Healing with Alchemy set. The set needs to be purchased beforehand – you can do so here. During the Alchemy Workshop, you will learn powerful meditation and grid work procedures that will trigger an alchemical healing response in your body and consciousness. This process empowers you to work with the compounds and transitional cycles of nature to become a vessel for purification and change. Click here for information and booking.
Dragon Power & Raven Power: Sunday May 6th, 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
This workshop is a special one indeed, as Alexis will only be holding it twice. The two locations she has chosen are Ireland and Queensland, Australia. During this three-hour session, Alexis will share information about the divine ‘Raven Power’ and ‘Dragon Power’ you hold within you. Your Dragon Power supports your kundalini, enabling it to rise into your heart chakra. Your Raven Power allows you to open your third eye chakra at a profound level, so that you can embrace the power of your psyche. Click here for information and booking.
All of Alexis’ events are taking place at the Maryborough Hotel & Spa, Douglas, Co.Cork. More information on Alexis’ work can be found at her website transferencehealing.com. She is also running a series of workshops in the UK after her Irish dates. All dates and information about her Irish and UK events can be found via this link.
“Existence is an inexplicable vibrant pulsing dance … an indefinable happening, simply happening. Do you live as that? Or do you linger in conflicted fantasies of thought? Awakening from the fantasies doesn’t require a new experience. It’s about seeing clearly what’s already happening. I’m interested in what you think is happening in this moment and what is actually happening. These are not the same.
Join us for a close consideration of our life experience … a simple and direct acknowledgement of the moment and a chance to discuss what that actually reveals.”
Canadian Author Darryl Bailey is coming for a rare visit to Ireland. His talks on Non Duality and Awakening are of amazing value. Check out below the details on how to book.
Wake Up & Change Your Life – Lucid Dreaming to Reach Enlightenment, Charlie Morley
Lucid Dreaming
By Charlie Morley
Wake up and change your life.
A couple of months before my 12th birthday, it all started. It was a Sunday and I was bored. I started sifting through the papers looking for the gadgets leaflet I loved and came upon an advert for a ‘NovaDreamer’; a computerised sleep mask for lucid dreaming. “Mum! I do this sometimes! When you know you’re dreaming! I do what this mask does! Mum, I know what I want for my birthday!”
For me, the journey began that Sunday. I never did get the NovaDreamer but the seed had been planted and began to sprout. As a teenager, the free accessibility of lucid dreaming was one of its selling points. There was no equipment, no initiation, no club. It only required sleep and determination. It was also great place to have a lot of dream-sex and as a teenager, that was my driving motivation!
Later on, I got into Tibetan Buddhism. I came across ‘Dream yoga’ and began training in it. Dream yoga is made up of lucid dreaming, conscious sleeping and what in the West we refer to as, “out-of-body experience” practices; aimed at spiritual growth and mind training. Dream yoga goes beyond our Western notion of lucid dreaming as recreational or fun. If we translate the Sanskrit word ‘yoga’, meaning ‘union’, we get a clue as to what dream yoga is about; the union of consciousness within the dream state.
Within the context of dream yoga, we use the lucid dream state as a place to engage in spiritual practice. Spiritual practices carried out in the lucid dream state are said to be so powerful that we have the potential to reach full enlightenment while we sleep.
Lucid dreaming ‘Need to Knows’
- A lucid dream is a dream in which you know you’re dreaming and can direct and co-create the dream at will.
- Lucid dreaming was first scientifically proven in 1975 at Hull University. The experiment involved a sleeping subject hooked up to a brain scanner who had a lucid dream and communicated this through a series of pre-arranged eye movements!
- The lucid dream state is so realistic that the brain thinks it is real life and behaves as if it where awake. This forms the basis of ‘lucid dream learning’ in which the brain creates new neural pathways based on the actions performed in the dream.
- Lucid dreaming has been proven to help cure nightmares, encourage physical healing responses and is even used by German Sports scientists to train their athletes while they sleep!
I teach something called Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep which is a holistic approach to lucid dreaming within the context of mindfulness meditation and Tibetan Buddhism. This new approach hopefully serves to fill the gap between the often superficial scope of Western lucid dreaming practices and the often unattainable mysticism of dream yoga.
Lucid dreaming ‘How to’
- Dream recall and keeping a dream diary is the foundation of lucid dreaming practice. The first step is to start remembering and recording your dreams. The more conscious you are of what you’re dreaming about, the more likely you are to become conscious while dreaming.
- Motivation and strong intent are the next step. Fall asleep saying to yourself, “Tonight I recognise my dreams, tonight I know that I am dreaming as I am dreaming.”
- We often dream about what we spent our day doing, so anytime something dreamlike happens in your daily life, ask yourself, “Am I dreaming?”. If you do this enough, you may start dreaming about asking the question which may then lead to a lucid dream.
Read Charlie’s full article, including ‘Need to Knows’ and ‘How To’ tips, in the Winter issue of Positive Life. Find your stockist here or subscribe online to have the magazine delivered direct to your door. The perfect gift for a loved one – or for yourself!
Charlie runs retreats and workshops and gave the ever first TED talk on lucid dreaming. His book, ‘Dreams of Awakening’ has just been published by Hay House and is available to buy online, along with his CD, ‘Lucid Dreaming, Conscious Sleeping’, a collection of guided meditations into the hypnagogic, lucid dream and conscious sleep states.