We love the sound of Judy Satori’s upcoming event in Ireland, which will bring energetic support and activation to those who are ready to spiritually elevate to a whole new level. Keep reading to find out more…
Judy Satori In Ireland
Tuesday, 30 May – Sunday, 4 June
Activate Your Spiritual Gifts and Ability
Judy Satori is coming to Ireland at the end of this month to energetically activate and mentor those people who are ready to step up in service to humanity and the planet and move beyond self to soul. Wherever you are in life right now, Judy’s energy work with Spirit will get you to the next level. Her Philosophy is to create a life of beauty, love, joy, and light, which is ENLIGHTENMENT, and to assist others to do the same.
This is a series of four one-day or evening events on a range of topics designed by Spirit to activate a deeper connection to the Star Nations and powerfully expand and open your spiritual gifts and abilities.
Dates: Tuesday, 30 May – Sunday, 4 June 2023
Venue: City North Hotel and Conference Centre, Gormanston and Glebe House, Dowth, Drogheda
We are also delighted to announce that Judy will be our guest at Positive Nights on Wednesday, May 31st, from 7:00-9:00 pm. More info coming soon…
About Judy
Judy Satori is a spiritual channel and energy conduit for Source/God/Infinite Creation. She transmits ‘energy words of new creation’ in the form of very rapid sequences of sound and light. This energy is divinely designed to activate positive transformation at the level of the cells, DNA template and in the body’s energy fields. Judy’s work supports physical healing, activates a physical regeneration effect on the body, opens the heart into love and is designed to activate more of our true human DNA potential to switch on and express.
Learn more and register for the event at judysatori.com/ireland