Home Holistic Health Unleash Your Healing Powers – Releasing Your Innate Healing Energies, By Mark Usher

Unleash Your Healing Powers – Releasing Your Innate Healing Energies, By Mark Usher

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Unleash Your Healing Powers

By Mark Usher

innate healing

Releasing Your Innate Healing Energies

“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” – Hippocrates

Modern, medical healing has focused predominantly on man’s ability to cure another man’s disease and not as much on man’s capacity to heal himself. However, remarkable results occur when the natural, healing forces within are harnessed. The key to accessing your own healing capacity is to become informed about why you have developed your disease or ailment and what you can proactively do to improve your health.

It is only through being well-informed that you can access the full potential power of your daily choices. I define CHOICEs as Conscious Healing Opportunities Initiating Consistent Elevation – elevation of whatever brings you happiness and health. If you see each choice as a liberating, healing opportunity, you begin to tap into the raw potential of the universal ‘Law of the Harvest’ – what you sow, so shall you reap.

Disease in the body not responding to treatments often indicates that you are not harnessing your own healing forces. Look to create your own unique healing masterpiece by putting into daily practice transformative CHOICEs designed to improve your overall well-being and to eliminate the unwanted illness. Infinite CHOICEs exist from optimising dietary intake and exercising daily to learning new ways to relax in the face of challenge. Be informed in your CHOICEs, be inspired in your actions and BE healthy in your life.

Mark Usher is a chartered physiotherapist with special interest in persistent pain treatment


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