Home Events 10 Indications That You May Be Having an Out-of-Body Experience

10 Indications That You May Be Having an Out-of-Body Experience

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William Bulham
William Bulham
By William Buhlman, author of ‘Adventures Beyond the Body’ and speaker at Gateways of the Mind, June 7-8, Dublin.
Many people remain unaware of the subtle events that are directly associated with OBEs. Today, these energy events are commonly referred to as the vibrational state.  Every night during sleep we naturally move through different altered states of consciousness and we often experience energies and awareness beyond the physical. Since we are nonphysical beings these vibrational energy events are normal and to be expected.

This is important because these energy events are often a precursor to OBEs. Our knowledge of this situation will assist us to be prepared for and effectively react. In fact, our reaction to the vibrational state will often determine the results we experience. Surprisingly, many people experience the ideal preparatory state of consciousness and never recognize it. For example, seeing through closed eye lids is a classic indication that you are experiencing an OBE.

  1. Seeing through closed eyes lids
  2. Sleep paralysis (full or partial)
  3. Flying or falling in a dream
  4. Any form of vibrations or unusual sounds
  5. Any sense of motion; floating, sinking or falling
  6. Energy surges, expansion or motion
  7. Electrical-like sensations
  8. Being touched, pulled or lifted
  9. Any strange or unseen sounds; hearing voices or your name spoken
  10. The feeling of an unseen presence next to you or touching you
Our ability to remain calm during the vibrational state is essential; any fear based reaction will generally shut down the energy expansion process that is a precursor for conscious OBEs. The ideal response is to remain still and allow the energy sensations to expand and flow. Then direct and maintain your full awareness away from your body.
I enjoy every aspect of the vibrational state and consider it my greatest friend and ally for inner exploration. Looking back over the decades I realize that my positive attitude and reaction toward the vibrational state continues to be critical to the results I experience. Have fun with the diversity of the energy events and enjoy the entire process.
Find out more about this topic and more at Gateways of the Mind this June in Dublin. Find out more here >

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