We are thrilled to be hosting Declan Hammond and Louise O’Donnell this Thursday, October 24th in Bewley’s Café for an evening of honouring Samhain and welcoming in the new season. Read on to learn more!
As we approach Samhain, we enter into the darkest quarter of the year, honoured around the Northern Hemisphere as a sacred time when the veils between ordinary reality and the realms of spirit are said to thin and an auspicious time for connecting with the wisdom of our ancestors. In our Western Culture, many of our traditional magic traditions have been broken and the journey towards creating and maintaining a healthy relationship with the spirit world can be complex and somehow jarring when we try to be in the modern world as it currently is. We are hungry for spirit: we go to workshops, connect deeply to something intense and then struggle to take that into our daily lives.
How do we “be” in the world? How can we welcome spirit into our lives? How can we honour our ancestors by living a deep and rich life? How can we bring spirit home?
We invite you to join Declan Hammond and Louise O’Donnell for an evening of connection to spirit through conversation, community and ritual. We invite you to bring a heart that yearns for nourishment through deeper connection to spirit.
The evening will take the format of a one-hour interview, followed by a break, then a Q&A session. Click here to learn more and book your tickets.