Birthing Angels
A Spiritual Awakening in Pittenweem
By Jeff Imrie
“Are you listening the journey to be truly human.
Is to do with vibrating at a certain level and to hold a certain light. That light is to communicate with the unseen and seen worlds and as you let light in you will emanate and grow.
The world’s greatest teachings are wasted until you are vibrating at a certain level. As knowledge is a rumour until it is truly in your being. As there are frequencies attached to the words.” – Gabriel
Jeff Imrie is an Award winning sculpture who is embarking on a divine mission to sculpt 21 Angelic representations of humanity. He is also a spiritual coach, energy healer – Reiki Master, Prema Birthing Teacher and Rising Star Teacher and geomancer. He is a global speaker and international best selling author.
Michael: Coming out of the Shadows
In the idyllic fishing village of Pittenweem, on the east coast of Scotland, I found myself on a journey that felt like stepping back in time. At 5:00 am, the village’s quiet beauty unveiled its secrets, taking me on an unexpected spiritual adventure that ignited my creative spirit.
For seven years, a sketch of angel wings had lingered on my desk – a constant reminder of a dream yet to be realized. Each time I glanced at it, I felt a pang of unfinished business. Little did I know that my move to Pittenweem would catalyze this long-awaited creation.
While exploring the historical landmarks of my new home, I discovered Witchy Wynd; a narrow, winding street at the harbour’s far end. As I walked up its curling path, my senses heightened and I felt an extraordinary connection, as if tapping into a hidden essence or
memory. It was an intense, familiar sensation, a clear sign of the spirit world reaching out to communicate. That night, I returned home with my soul ablaze and the next morning, the feeling persisted.
Compelled by an unseen force, I headed to my workshop at Dundee College where I had lectured for 21 years. In the workshop, the energy from Witchy Wynd burst forth. I began crafting shapes, polishing, and tarnishing with fire, creating what would become feathers and
wings. My emotions surged, and tears flowed as I worked – each movement guided by a divine presence. The creation process felt unstoppable, as if I were a vessel for the angel Gabriel’s birth.
Curious about Witchy Wynd’s significance, I consulted a local historian. His revelations were astounding. In 1704, the very street where I lived was part of a tragic history. Five women of influence and wealth, along with three conspirators, were accused of witchcraft. They were tortured, chained and marched down Witchy Wynd to their grim fate. I have come to believe they left a hidden marker, waiting to be discovered.
I realized that I had found this marker. The intense spiritual activation I experienced was a connection to these women’s souls. Their story, interwoven with Pittenweem’s fabric, had reached across time to inspire my artistic creation.
From this profound experience, two pieces of metal sculpture were born to honour the Pittenweem witches. These sculptures stand as a testament to their story, a reminder of the hidden markers in our world waiting to be discovered and the unseen forces that guide us.
In this serene village, I discovered not only a connection to the past but also a profound sense
of purpose. The spirit world communicates in mysterious ways and, sometimes, we are chosen as vessels to bring forth its messages. My journey in Pittenweem has been one of wonderment, creativity and spiritual awakening, reminding us all to remain open to the hidden wonders that lie just beneath the surface of our everyday lives.