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Positive Nights Presents: Ella Ringrose
October 18, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Positive Nights is very pleased to present Ella Ringrose on Friday, October 18th 2024 in United Arts Club, Dublin 2 from 19:00 to 21:00! Ella Ringrose is a Psychic, Healer and Thought Leader from Dublin, Ireland. Ella’s mission is to awaken humans to their multi dimensional power and Usher in a New Paradigm to Earth. Ella will focus this event mainly on New Earth Paradigm!
Tickets Here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/positivelifemagazine/1369371
Add To Your Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=positivelifeevents@gmail.com&ctz=Europe/Dublin
The New Earth represents a profound awakening on our planet, where people are rediscovering their true essence and the boundless love that resides within them. As souls on a temporary journey, this awakening marks the beginning of the dissolution of systems and paradigms that have energetically burdened us for so long. We are living in a time of monumental change, and it is our responsibility to rise, embrace our inner light, and reclaim our power and dissolve the illusion of fear.
Join us for this exciting event and hear about these 8 principles to embody for a New Earth!
1. Abundance is your Natural state of being. When you are contracted or in scarcity remember your true nature of infinite light, contraction is our default not our natural state of being. Continue to expand your light, even when it challenges you.
2. Oneness in everything. The dark, the bad, the ugly, the light, the love, it is all one and stems from the one. See oneself in every person you cross and remember oneness is our primordial state. We are connected to everything. In this understanding we stop fighting and we remember.
3. Be like God, remember God as a powerful source that floods within you. You too are God.
4. Let life show you the way by going within yourself. Let life be your compass and symbol for what needs tweaking and shifting within.
5. Everything absolutely everything is a choice. You can choose a high achieving path or a slow encompassing path. Neither is easier or harder as all holds the power of your choice. Choose the reality you wish to live in.
6. Life is for LOVE, simple as.
7. To be grateful is to know this experience is a blessing of creation.
8. You are a creational being and create all through your thought, word and focus.
Tickets Available Here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/positivelifemagazine/1369371
More from Ella below!