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Homeopathy & Autism

by Patrick

p6030075By Michael Farrelly

When my son Adam was diagnosed with Autism, it was the beginning of a life changing journey for both him and me. His subsequent recovery through natural medicine, and homeopathy in particular, has been an amazing experience and awakening for me.

It is impossible to describe the emotions that sweep over you when you realise your child is autistic. However, experience has shown me that it is not necessarily a life sentence for the person afflicted or their family.  There is hope; there is healing; there is recovery. Over time, Adam has gradually emerged from his state. Our journey has brought me to homeopathy, provided me with a real sense of purpose and given me “new eyes” into what constitutes health and illness.

The term “Autism” is only a label that does not tell us anything about the causes of the underlying problem. Such broad labelling results in the identical categorising and treatment of all patients, despite no two being the same. A couple of decades ago in the US, one child in 250,000 were termed autistic; today it is one in 166. Some autism support groups in Ireland put the figure here at about one in 80 children.

Adam’s progress began when he started in an ABA School for autistic children. After struggling for many months to even get a diagnosis, we now had a foundation to build upon. We had real hope and hope is something you need in these circumstances. Hope is air for you to breathe and ground for you to stand on when you feel you are suffocating and sinking fast. At that time, I started reading a lot of information implicating certain foods as major triggers of symptoms in many autistic children. Heavy metal toxicity was also implicated. We pursued a gluten- and casein-free diet and a protocol of vitamin and mineral supplementation together with heavy metal detoxification; all under medical supervision. Together with vegetable juicing, we noticed subtle improvements from this approach.

Adam then began cranial therapy with impressive results. This was a major breakthrough for him, and his behaviour and cognition improved noticeably. At this point, I came across a book called “Impossible Cure, The Promise of Homeopathy”, by Amy Lansky; about a boy who had made a full recovery from autism using homeopathy. We started homeopathy for Adam and I decided to study homeopathy myself. His response to homeopathy has been amazing. Many remedies were very effective, but interestingly, a major aspect of the remedy that has been most effective for him, is a lack of mental and emotional development in children arising from a brain injury.  Adam had a very difficult birth with forceps delivery and it seems to me that a lot of his difficulties may have been established at that point. Many parents of autistic children report that their children had difficult births and in my view this is often a predisposing factor in the child becoming autistic.

These children are unable to get in touch with our emotional world.  They have lost confidence in this world and are in an imprisoned state; and will remain there until they regain the confidence to return to the “normal” emotional world. This also helps to explain why autism so often arises in vaccination periods. Being injected with toxic vaccines can be the last straw for a sensitive, susceptible child. However, I have also treated autistic children who were never vaccinated, but a common occurrence is some traumatic emotional experience during the pregnancy or early childhood. The bottom line is that the level of trauma has been sufficient to trigger the autistic state and as every child is an individual, that level of trauma and the response to it will be individual.

Today, Adam is ten years old, attends regular school, has play friends and continues to progress all the time under homeopathic treatment. His situation has paved the way for me to bring the healing art of homeopathy to many sick people, including other autistic children. What a gift! Classical homeopathy provides the potential for recovery at its deepest level, but it does require commitment to achieve maximum results. However, I for one would not swap one minute of it.

For more info, contact farrellym@hotmail.com or 0861596119

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