Home Love & Relationships How to Live in Love

How to Live in Love

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Robbie H Andrews

Embodying the Principles of Love

Robbie H Andrews

By Robbie H. Andrews

Living your life in love, the true principle of God, can sometimes feel like it’s something that’s distant from us. Can we live in love, peace and harmony? Yes, this is our time, in our evolution to make a stand and start wearing the shoes of the true, light beings we are.

The truth is there will never be a mountain that we can’t climb. Staying positive is something that now comes much easier to us, as our vibration moves that little bit closer to the etheric field; the place where God and the principle of love exist.

We are human beings but we are also Angelic to Om Love. The truth is beyond what we know but we find our way towards it through the principle of Love. In our search for happiness, as we awaken each day, we must first look for a simple breath. In this, we will understand that every breath we take fills our body, mind and soul with the principle of God Love. When we look at our life not just as a whole, but in the very moment we learn to adapt and see the goodness and greatness of that moment.

It can be helpful to remember some simple rules to live by. Be love, be kind, be honest, be true, be positive, be humble, be grateful. In following these, I find myself every day asking, “How can I best change what I see, feel and know so that I may help others.”



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