By Emma Tamplin
Did the seeds that you planted around your relationship blossom yet? Did you see them push through the hard ground like the lilac crocus? Many of us forget that nature and the magic of love are all linked. There are cycles of love, just like nature. Some love withers and dies, and other love creates new shoots of healing. Some of us have partners to meet before the big love comes, as we have not yet learned the soul lesson in the last love match. Even bad love can teach us how to appreciate good love when it comes along.
Spring brings renewal and hope. As long as you can let go of the dead wood and any worn out relationship – the universe can bring you new, fresh relationships. It is the time to attend to your own bloom first. We can only attract in the brightest flower when we are in full bloom ourselves. It may be the right time to sow new seeds of desire and then let them grow in their own time. There are millions of souls searching for their soul groups and soul mates right now as we come into the spring. It is a great time to love and live. Use it and enjoy the thought that behind the scenes your dreams are shooting up and out towards you.
Emma Tamplin is the leading relationship lecturer at the Mind, Body and Spirit Festival that is on the March 17th-19th at the RDS in Dublin.