Happy Winter Solstice, Positive Lifers! In this extract from our Winter 2018/19 issue, acclaimed health and wellness coach Alison Canavan discusses some of the challenges of winter, and how we can learn how to thrive during the winters of life. Remember: the darkest hour comes before the dawn.
Ireland winter solstice
Ireland Winter Solstice invites you to join your fellow seekers at this time of nature’s re-birth and renewal: Rekindling the natural wisdom of living in harmony with each other and the world around us.
About the Winter Solstice:
The word Solstice means “sun standing still” or “grian-stad” in Irish. It marks the suns furthest position from us during winter, hence it is the shortest day of the year. The Winter Solstice is significant in our lives because it represents a “rebirth and renewal” of energies both for us and for nature. It is a time when we can consciously give birth to our dreams and intentions for the year ahead. A time to make clear what it is we want to manifest and create in this world…..and what we want to let go of also.
Date: 20-21 December
Location: Glebe House, Dowth, Newgrange
There will be:
Sweat Lodges | Drumming Circle | Fire Ritual | Bedtime Sound Healing | Men’s & Women’s Empowerment circle | Darkness to Light with Divine presence meditation | Celtic Chants & Mythology / Guest Wisdom Speaker | Ceremony for Sunset at Dowth & Sunrise at Newgrange | Procession from Dowth to Newgrange to finish with great Music & Dance
Click here to book your place.