In our Autumn 2020 issue, we were thrilled to publish an interview with Lee Carroll, the channeller of Kryon. Read on below to enjoy it!
Interconnected, Forever
The magnificence of human consciousness
by Alison McEvoy
We recently spoke with Lee Carroll, the channel for “an angelic energy from the other side of the veil” named Kryon.
Couching the new consciousness
Kryon announces himself as being “of magnetic service”. The significance of this announcement only emerged slowly into Lee’s understanding. Science can now show that the earth’s magnetics are related to our human consciousness. We have known for some time that whales have an inner navigation system attuned to the magnetic grid. However, now the realisation has emerged that human beings’ consciousness also has a profound relationship to these magnetics:
“Suddenly it [human consciousness] is structured…patterned…we can analyse it…Kryon [is here] to move the magnetics as a couch for the new consciousness.”
Shifting magnetics means a shift in human consciousness. This shift is an evolution, a growth that will enable us to become wiser and more in touch with the meaning of being here on Earth, so that we may live a more attuned life – a life attuned into the real meaning of being.
Consciousness is energy
The movie ‘The Field’ is here to share this emerging understanding of human consciousness. Our consciousness is a form of energy. We are part of a ‘field’, composed not of individual-blades-of-grass consciousness, but a field in which our thoughts are interconnected, forever. No part of that field is ever destroyed or disappears. It can indeed change form, such as when people pass on. However, their consciousness is still part of the field. We can still talk to loved ones who have passed and choose to feel their presence.
What it means to understand how our thought behaves as energy in a field of consciousness, is causing great excitement amid scientific circles. Now, the “powerhouse people” behind the science want to share what they have gleaned, for the benefit of all:
“Our metaphysical view that consciousness might be a form of energy is validated…Distance no longer matters… Praying for someone at a distance is energy transmission…and now it is physics.”
Energy gives answers
As we are interconnected with all that is, we can tune into the answers we seek from wherever we are. The way into the energy field, is through our intuition. To seek answers, “drop into your hearts and use your intuition,” says Lee. It may not give the kind of answers the mind demands, but the energy will speak to you in the language of feeling and you will know.
If you’re not sure, you can always ask a trusted woman in your life! Lee notes that “women have the best intuition on the planet. That’s why they should be our spiritual leaders. They are the ones who take care of the kids…solve the problems…women have the ability to go to a place where they can feel…feeling is the answer.”
“The story is bigger than we have been told”
The ramifications of the emerging science cannot yet be told. What it means to be interconnected, to live in a multidimensional reality, to have a heart that connects us to all that is right in the core of our being…to live with this awareness changes our playing field, so to speak. We will be able to do things, using our consciousness, that we could not have dreamed of.
What can you do? Go into your heart, go online, listen, look and seek out more in every way that you can. Curiosity is a key to awakening.