Home Good Life Sneak Peek: Science, Art And Alchemy
Tony Nec

Our Winter 2021/22 issue has just gone to print. The theme for this issue is Unity. In it, we talk with Tony
Nec, the principal of the Sound Healing Academy  – dive on in for a sneak peek!

Science Art And Alchemy

 Integral Sound Healing

by Alison McEvoy


“Healing sounds support our inner alchemy of self-healing”

I remember, about seven years ago, searching for a course in sound healing. I was entirely new to the domain, yet felt drawn by a strange pull. The Sound Healing Academy became known to me then as it stood out among all the contenders as a ‘place’ truly expert in, and dedicated to, the art of sound. It was great, then, to have a recent talk with Tony Nec, the principal of the Sound Healing Academy.

Tony envisions the Academy as a “vibrant community of like-minded people who are all trying to make a positive difference in people’s lives around the world, using sound as the focus.” It is the locus point of a huge, international web of practitioners and teachers who are currently offering a blend of in-person and live, online workshops. The Academy also has a host of online courses at the ready for those interested in bringing Sound healing into their lives, the lives of friends/family or, professionally, into the lives of their clients and students.

The potential remit of sound healing is unlimited. Sound reaches us at the core of our being. Positive, healing sound can bring us back into the resonance of ease, wellbeing, relaxation…all of which support the body in its own, constant, inner drive towards health and equilibrium. Our body is always trying to heal itself, whether it be a scab over a wound, or a triggering to rest, digest and restore through the nervous system. Healing sounds support our inner alchemy of self-healing.

The unique, Integral Sound Healing method practised at the Academy “integrates the science, art and alchemy of sound healing.” For Tony, the science is particularly exciting at the moment as the Academy have been using a medical App to test the effectiveness of their unique method in regulating the Autonomic Nervous System (A.N.S). This is the part of the N.S which controls our organ functioning, primarily. When we are under prolonged stress, the A.N.S can get stuck in either one of its modes; either the adrenaline-charged fight or flight mode, in which the organs are deprived of resources, or the collapse of energy, lethargy, chronic illness or depression, which represent an extreme playing out of the rest/digest mode.

At the Sound Healing Academy, various techniques are taught to unlock this stickiness. This allows for greater regulation and more free-flowing functioning of the A.N.S. Once this is achieved, the physical, mental and emotional health benefits start to flow back into one’s life. So, whether it’s the science that floats your boat, or the art and alchemy that sparks your imagination, sound healing is a wonderful way to support and maintain wellbeing. The fact that it lends itself so well to online experience and study makes this modality a true tonic for these times.


Learn more about The Academy of Sound here:  academyofsoundhealing.com

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