In Positively Newsworthy: The Little Things, our editors offer some reflections and positive thoughts on subjects that have recently moved them. Enjoy the Winter 2022 edition below!
1 Moon Bathing
A cosmic pursuit to restore balance and harmony
by Kate Stuart
Moon bathing is a practice of soaking up and harnessing the energy of the moon. The moon brings about tides in our bodies and emotions, as well as in nature. By listening to its calling and following its cycles, we can tap into the moon’s natural power. Moonlight exposure is thought to relieve anxiety and stress and improve relaxation by prompting a natural release of melatonin. An ancient practice passed down through generations, moon bathing is a form of meditation aimed to promote positive energy and restore balance in one’s self-awareness. By allowing the body to release excess cortisol levels that build up through the stress of our daily lives, you will be able to relax and ease tension from within yourself.
Author Deboarh Hanekamp says, “The moon is much more calming. It puts us in a receptive and open place. It helps connect us with our more spiritual side and allows us to take in the medicine of our own intuition.”
Connecting with the phases of the moon can bring awareness to other cycles and rhythms within your own body, mind, heart and spirit. Moon bathing is based on the idea that women naturally menstruate in sync with the cycles of the moon, with menstruation occurring on the full moon. Working with the phases of the moon can have powerful effects on connecting to your own intuition. It helps create energy rhythms that gently support you through the seasonal cycles of your life! Embrace winter and seasonal changes by moon bathing.
2 The Celtic Wheel
Answering the call of the season
by Alison McEvoy
The concept of the Celtic Wheel made itself known to me a few years ago, through the wonderful and wise Mari Kennedy. I began her ‘Wheel of the Year’ course and, through her guidance, entered Samhain more consciously than ever before. My intention and invitation to myself to ‘let die’ what was no longer serving me, was more powerful than I imagined. I faltered, fell of the wheel and was plunged into the depths of loss of structure to my life.
Now, coming on five years later, I am ready to re-engage with the call of the season – conceptually encompassed by the Celtic Wheel. I have printed out the wheel on a beautiful canvas and hung it above my desk. For the first time in my life I do not feel as if I need to be guided by without, to worry if I am ‘doing it right’ or ‘really getting it’. I am ready to allow my guidance from within to be ‘good enough’.
What I have found though, is that events keep popping up to me, inviting me to engage communally with others also wanting and willing to answer the call of the season… Autumn Equinox workshops and Samhain gatherings.
When not called into community, I can sit in my own space, listen to what is coming up for me, write it down and be inspired to do this or that ritual, meditation or creative project, etc. and it is all perfect. I am in tune. I am part of the wheel, initiated by my intention and desire, guided from within. It has taken a long time for me to feel this way, so simple and so natural.
So, as I pause before Samhain, accepting the invitation to “rest and appreciate what has gone before”, I appreciate that this is a year where I acknowledge the wisdom, and rightness-for-me, of my own inner tutor/intuition.