In the Short and Sweet section of the magazine, we often feature companies who inspire us … and our recently-released Spring 2023 issue was no exception. We loved speaking with Jacinta Murray, the creator of Divine Essence Crystal Healing, about how we can reconnect with our divinity. Keep reading to learn more…
Good-quality, undisturbed sleep is essential for good health – and even more important for the healing process. The increased need for sleep that is often associated with illness is a sign that we can ‘sleep ourselves well’ in the truest sense. Unfortunately, however, sleeping well is not a given; external factors (noise, electrosmog, irregular lifestyle rhythms, jetlag) can just as easily rob us of sleep as internal ones (tension, stress, mental strain, illness). Gemstones can promote healthy sleep and ensure gentle, non-intrusive ways in which the body benefits from this time of generation.
In order to improve sleep quality it is important to know a little about the processes that take place during it. During sleep the body cleanses and detoxifies, purifying tissues and organs, it repairs itself and rebuilds, diverting waste products to the excretory systems. The immune system uses the downtime of sleep to fight pathogens and a similar process takes place in our consciousness: when we dream we process all the impressions and experiences of the day, bringing closure to unfinished mental and emotional processes. In this way, we free up our minds and make them ready for new perceptions and creative acts.
The easiest way of using gemstones to aid sleep is to place a sleep crystal under your pillow. Pillows should be filled with natural materials, which will not shield a crystals effect. Pillows with small pockets in which crystals can be placed are available from specialist outlets.
A circle of crystals placed around the bed will produce a powerful effect – possibly greater than a single stone under the pillow. Arranging stones in a circle creates an information field that reinforces the crystals’ effect and protects against other influences. You will need at least four stones (to position at top, bottom, right and left), but circles made from several more stones are better.
Individual stones placed near the bed – on a bedside table for example – are also effective during the night and for sleep patterns, but be aware that stimulant stones such as garnet, haematite, malachite or obsidian may interrupt or prevent sleep.
Healing crystals to aid good sleep
- Green aventurine quartz – Suitable for use when you find it difficult to get to sleep because you are kept awake by a host of thoughts and feelings; helps you to let go and makes it easier to sleep through the night.
- Moonstone – A useful aid when the full moon is stopping you from sleeping; place it under your pillow after new moon (if used too early, it will increase the disruption of the new moon period).
- Amethyst – Stimulates mental processing of the events of the day and thus initially brings vivid dreams, after 1-2 weeks, your sleep will become peaceful and calm; it is better to use light amethysts rather than dark ones.
- Black tourmaline (schorl) – Helps you to let go when falling asleep and compensates for the influences of areas of disturbance and electrosmog; this is no long-term solution and finding a good place to sleep with no disturbances should make more sense.
- Serpentine – A healing crystal containing magnesium helps you to relax, switch off and feel at ease; it creates an inner peace that improves quality of sleep considerably.
- Clear quartz – Promotes memory of dreams and so helps you to find closure to dream experiences in your waking consciousness. This makes sleep better and deeper over time.
Gemstone Healing – How to choose and use the right crystal and healing technique, by Michael Gienger, is available from Findhorn Press. £9.99
The Mind Body Spirit Fesitval took place this bank holiday weekend at the RDS in Dublin and was like a glorious three day celebration of all things holistic and alternative. If you wanted to explore new options for wellbeing of your mind, body, spirit and heart, there were more than enough experts to answer your questions, demonstrate techniques and products and to listen to where you’re at and what you’re looking for – even if you didn’t come with the words to explain it. The atmosphere was caring, the stands were colourful and fun and uplifting and some of the products and demos quite frankly, amazing! Here is a mini roundup of snaps of some our favourites and friends.
Anti-Gravity Demonstration with Tara O’Neill of Vitality Holistic Therapy
I’ve tried anti-gravity yoga just once before but I can honestly say it is my favourite class and possible one of my favourite experiences of my entire life. That may sound a little over the top but it’s an incredible feeling, as close as you can get to flying as a human! It comes very naturally, even if you’re not an expert at yoga, the body finds its own balance in the movements and you’ll be surprised how good you are at it, regardless of whether you’ve practiced yoga before or not. Simply trust the fabric, your body and your instructor and enjoy. It’s also incredibly beautiful to watch, it’s like people swimming in the air before you.
Stewart Pearce
The notable sound healer, master of voice and angel medium Stewart Pearce was in two this week, giving readings, workshops, speaking at the Buddha Bag Meeting and somehow also found time to spend the weekend at the Mind Body Spirit show. Stewart’s Buddha Bag talk was incredibly well attended – as was his stand. So much so, that in the end I had to settle for getting a picture of him talking to someone rather than posed on his own! He’s a busy man! thealchemyofvoice.
Finest Argan Oil
Last year I got to review Adrius Bogusas carefully sourced and produced Argan oil products, stocked and used by many beauty therapists and hair salons around Dublin. So it was lovely to bump into him and see more people trying out his products. Read the review here. I’m still using mine!
Stone Age Ireland
Stone Age Ireland took up what felt like a continent sized space in the RDS of glittering and grounding crystals and stones. It was like nature had seeped up through the ground of the RDS and set up its own stall. I picked up a beautiful Desert Rose crystal; these amazing stones look like roses and are formed in deserts – hence their name. Stone Age Ireland on Facebook
Burren Yoga Retreats
I love the west of Ireland. Everything from the landscape to the horizontal rain to the people and the amazing food. It amazes me that just one side of our tiny Island can hold so many amazing spots. After spending a week in the Burren as a teen, it has a special place in my heart and i’m dying to go back for a week of yoga now. Sign me up!
Patricia Lohan’s Singing Bowls
After some amazing treatments with Patricia last year it was lovely to bump into her and her bowls. Hearing their vibrations cut through all the other sounds in the giant noisy hall was sort of special. You’d imagine they’d work best in a quiet room whilst meditating or something, but the clear little rings coming through between everything else created a little moment of calm and focus every time I passed and managed to catch and ear-glimpse of one.
John Levine’s Alphamusic
John Levine, creator of Alphamusic, just recently launched Calmerceutical CDs, to help with everything from insomnia, to depression and even physical healing. His stand was so busy I couldn’t even get in for a listen! But you can find out more about them here. And here
And if you were feeling hungry…
Natasha’s Raw and Living Foods were there to feed your body with all of the good stuff it needs to keep your mind, spirit and heart happy too. The queue was a testament to the taste!
Keep an eye out on our Facebook Page and Twitter for part two of our Mind Body Spirit Favourites tomorrow!