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A Great Leader Returns

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The Story and Return of Nicholas Black Elk

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In 1872, Lakota Sioux holy man Nicholas Black Elk had a great vision of spiritual truth. Black Elk saw two roads that crossed over each other in a place of peace, and from this powerful place he climbed four ascents into a world of unity amongst all beings of Earth. This was a prophecy that is alive today within the holy centre, the sacred heart space of each of us.

“When you come to the centre where the two roads meet you see there is only light, the only power, which is Love. When you look to the light and not to the shadow that is cast all is lifted up, ascended into Heaven right here on Earth.” (Black Elk)

Black Elk’s vision was saved for the world in the classic book ‘Black Elk Speaks’. Today Black Elk Speaks Again. Eliza White Buffalo refers to herself as Black Elk’s twin soul who was trained by him since childhood and with whom he precisely shares his message with today.

Presenting the captivating and incredible story the elder shaman soul, Eliza and Black Elk have to tell, their powerful message is shared in their latest book, The Two Roads Trilogy. Eliza recommends it, “For anyone serious about their spiritual awakening and perhaps feeling disillusioned with Orthodox Religion, this message answers many questions, and changes lives.”


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