This is an excerpt from our Summer 2016 issue. Read the rest of the article by subscribing soon so we can post you a copy or picking up a magazine from one of our lovely stockists all over Ireland. Tell them we said hello!
By Colleen Kennedy, CNM Naturopathic Nutritionist & Herbologist
If you’re interested in enhancing your quality of life as you age, read on. Energy levels tend to decline as we age. We are effectively slowly deteriorating from youth to old age as we become more susceptible to the negative effects of stress, physically, mentally and emotionally. But don’t allow this notion to let you rest on your laurels. It is a fact of life that we age, but we can slow down this process and improve our quality of life by changing how we deal with the stressors.
Why do certain cultures enjoy longer life expectancies than others? Various hotspots around the world have been identified in a worldwide study undertaken by National Geographic and some of the best longevity researchers in the US. These areas have been named Blue Zones, where it’s not uncommon to see people living active healthy lives beyond 100 years. The original zones are the Italian island of Sardinia; the Greek island of Ikaria, known as the island where people forget to die; Loma Linda in California, home to the Seventh-Day Adventists; Okinawa in Japan and Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. What do these areas have in common, besides their sandy beaches and turquoise seas of course? People living in these areas experience less stress and more socialising; they put a strong emphasis on family; they eat a fresh natural plant based diet with very little red meat; they exercise daily; and they live their lives with a sense of purpose and a strong spiritual belief system.
This is an excerpt from our Summer 2016 issue. Read the rest of the article by subscribing soon so we can post you a copy or picking up a magazine from one of our lovely stockists all over Ireland. Tell them we said hello!