Our summer issue is out now. Our regular contributor Judith McAdam shares how to manifest the life you want
Stepping Into Magnificence
Manifesting the life you would like to live
by Judith McAdam
Four years ago, I wrote a book called The Source: Connect with your Inner Power and Create your own Reality. It is all about creating and manifesting the life you would like to live. I wrote it to help acknowledge who you really are and embrace the fact that you are inextricably linked to infinite intelligence. ‘Little old you’ actually has access to the field of pure potential. It means you have to cast aside the negative self-limiting and damaging views that you have of yourself and step into your magnificence.
Believe it or not, this frightens the life out of most of us, myself included. Source Energy, the Universe, or even God if you prefer that term, is magnificently creative and abundant, lush and fertile and ‘small insignificant you’ are in symbiotic union with this pulsating energy. This energy is within you. It has to be, otherwise you would simply not exist. You receive its grace every second of your life and you have the ability to continuously co-create with it. You have limitless potential and you are abundant beyond belief.
This powerful energy expresses itself through you at all times. But what can help you step out of anxiety and fear and step into the magnificence that you were graced with? Meditation helps to open you up to the limitless possibilities that lie in the field of pure potential. Good visualisations help you to open your mind to your own magnificence and allows you to ‘think you can’ instead of thinking ‘you can’t’. Asking for help and guidance is vital.
Using words like ‘show me how to do this’ and ‘give me clarity’ open you up. Using words like ‘I can’t’ or ‘I would never be able to…’ shut you down. But who are you asking? You are sending out a vibration, a signal and that vibration will be met in the form of your intuition among other things. Listening to your intuition instead of doubting it is the next step. While acting on your intuition is the third step.
• The split-second an idea has entered your mind it has been conceived.
• This is where the divine and human meet, this is where you have been graced by a unique idea or thought.
• Doubts and fears cause resistance and restrict momentum from gaining around your embryotic ideas.
• It is vital to ignore your outer circumstances; pay more attention to the idea forming deep within you.
• Just like cell division, your embryonic idea amasses and multiplies in the womb of your mind.
• When the momentum increases to such a degree, it takes on a life of its own.
• Remember, your ideas have a gestation period.
• If a desire is born prematurely, it may not survive.
• Ideas need to be nurtured, not forced.
• When they are fully ready, they will finally be born into this reality.
• In giving birth to anything, you need to prepare yourself to let go of all resistance and fear.
• You also need to prepare yourself to receive the fruits of your labours.
Just remember it is far easier to create a million euros than to create a brain or a heart, yet this is how women and men co-create with Source Energy every day of the week. You are co-creating with Source Energy every second of the day, with millions of ideas getting ready to be born out, but you are mostly unaware of this. It is easier than you think to step into more conscious awareness of the fact that you are a co-creator with Source. All you have to do is make sure you are ready to receive its many blessings.
With love, Jx judithmcadam.com