Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that is naturally produced by the body and used in a variety of growth and maintenance processes. In our Autumn 2021 issue, we took a closer look at the benefits and properties of this power-packed nutrient. How can it help you lead a healthier life?
Health Boosting Nutrients: Revolutionary Study Gives Hope for Heart Health
In this extract from our Autumn 2018 issue, we spoke to Sinead Mitchell of the renowned nutritional supplement and research company Pharma Nord. She had some exciting news to share about heart health, based on a revolutionary Swedish study! If you haven’t had a chance to pick up our Autumn 2018 issue yet, click here to find your local stockist, or here to subscribe to the magazine.
Health Boosting Nutrients
Revolutionary study gives hope for heart health
by Aisling Cronin
Pharma Nord is a Nutritional Supplement Brand renowned for its revolutionary approach to nutritional support. Its high grade supplements are backed by rigorous scientific research, which documents their products’ safety and superior bio-availability (which, in laymen’s terms, refers to how easily absorbed they are). Pharma Nord’s research database contains over 9,000 scientific studies which serve to inform their impressive product development program. To date, more than 300 scientific studies involving Pharma Nord products have been published, one of the most striking being the KiSel-10 study, carried out in Sweden.
I spoke to Sinead Mitchell, Product Trainer for Healthcare Professionals at Pharma Nord to learn more.
‘The KiSel-10 study was a five-year, placebo-controlled, randomised double-blind study,’ Sinéad explained. ‘Two Pharma Nord products were used in the study: Q10 and Selenium. While there has been a lot of research done about the benefits of selenium for heart health, and the benefits of Q10 for heart health – when taken separately – there wasn’t a lot of research out there investigating the relationship between them, or the potential impact of their combination, which was the primary focus of the KiSel-10 research. The KiSel-10 trial was carried out in a small town in Sweden, with Swedish citizens who were aged 70 to 88. 443 participants took part, making it a very rigorous trial.’
The aim of the study was to observe how Selenium and Q10, when taken together, would affect participants’ heart health. Participants were divided into two groups. One group were administered 200 milligrams of BioActive Q10 Gold every morning, combined with 200 micrograms of BioActive Selenium, while another placebo group did not receive either supplement. Once the five-year study was complete, the results amazed researchers: those receiving the Q10 and Selenium combination were shown to have a 54% reduced risk of mortality through cardiovascular disease.
‘In addition to the reduced risk of mortality measured by the KiSel-10 study over the five years, positive effects could also be seen in all of the inflammatory markers, which are used to measure heart health,’ Sinéad revealed. ‘In fact, in many cases, the supplementation eased the inflammatory markers to a point lower than would be considered ‘normal’ for the participants’ age group, which is fantastically encouraging.’
The KiSel-10 study is now referenced extensively in a number of leading health and scientific journals, including the European Journal For Clinical Nutrition. An additional fourteen further studies have since been pulled from the original KiSel-10 data, as health professionals seek to gather even more insight into the heart-protecting effects of long-term Selenium and Q10 supplementation.
It has been known for decades that Q10 – particularly when consumed in the high grade form, ubiquinol – is a very powerful nutrient, so the KiSel-10 study results, demonstrating the immense impact of both Q10 and Selenium on heart health, are not all that surprising.
Coenzyme Q10 (as it is formally known) is a natural, vitamin-like compound that all cells require in order to produce energy. Levels of this nutrient peak in our twenties and decline from that point onward. However, the discovery of coenzyme Q10 by American scientists in 1957, and the array of scientific studies done in the interim, has empowered us with a tool to potentially prevent this ‘energy drop’ from taking place. Selenium, too, has long been known for its incredible immune-boosting qualities. However it appears that these two nutrients have an even more powerful potential when used in combination.
Based on the promising results of the KiSel-10 study, it seems that long-term consumption of these vital nutrients could have the power to unlock new potential for longevity and improved health.
Fertile Ground – Natural ways to increase your fertility, Michelle Magill
Fertility isn’t all age related. Many 40yr olds can conceive successfully. Research is being conducted in Toronto to show that the eggs of older women can perhaps be rejuvenated with COQ10. Superfoods such as wheatgrass, Spirulina, and COQ10 are vital to the production of high quality eggs. A customized prescription of Chinese herbs from an herbal pharmacy may also help.
If you do find yourself having fertility problems, check there is nothing going on structurally, e.g. blockages or infection. Then look at the cycle length, ovulation and bleed quality. Eggs go through a 90-120 days maturation phase (4 months). During that period, your lifestyle is key to the results of those eggs, whether seeking natural pregnancy or IVF.
Treatments like Acupuncture and Femoral Massage increase blood flow to pelvic organs and provide nourishment to the uterus and ovaries. This will bring about a higher success rate.
The fertility clinic at Melt Natural Healing Centre is a Chinese Medicine clinic. We assist couples diagnosed with unexplained fertility problems by designing a comprehensive therapeutic program through traditional Chinese Medicine that supports their reproductive journey. We also use reflexology, lymph drainage and herbalism in our treatments to assist with your acupuncture program.
We Talk To the Makers of Revive Active.
Elva Carri
This week we had the opportunity to speak to Daithi O’Connor and Liam Salmon of the Galway Natural Health Company about their high quality supplement Revive Active. We also got to speak to two health professionals who swear by it – Dr. Dilis Clare, GP, herbal medicine specialist and founder of Health and Herbs, Galway and Erina Mac Sweeney, nutritionist and founder of Irish heart Health.

Erina Mac Sweeney, Paul Congdon of Positive Life and Dr. Dilis Clare at the Revive Active Product Launch
Daithi and Liam are experts on the product they’ve developed and enthusiastically gave us all the facts and the science behind it. It’s such a high quality product, that they believe people will continue to use it when they see the results for themselves, a belief that is backed up by the 65% retention rate they already have for their online sales of the Irish created product.
“Our aim as a company was not to compromise on the ingredients. When myself and Liam collaborated, we wanted to make the best possible supplement that we could make.” Revive Active consists of 26 active ingredients with no filler. They’ve used no artifical flavourings or colourings and use stevia as a sweetner for the water soluble supplement. They also source high quality CoQ10 from Japan and put an emphasis on the quality and sourcing of all their ingredients – all delivered in a handy little sachet you could pop into your bag or pocket or suitcase.
What does the supplement offer?
The CoQ10 works with the L-Carnitine to increase energy levels. Vitamine E, C and selenium are antioxidants that help to slow down the agin process. VItamin K2 works to aid optimum D3 absorption and promotes bone density to help prevent osteoporosis L-Citrulline and L-Arginine combine to generate healthy blood flow and the B vitamins aid a number of processes in the body that keep you feeling good.
The product is unique in the levels of L-arginine and L-Citrulline, it boasts high levels of the combination not offered in any other supplement and it makes up 25% of the product.
After 13 years in integrated medicine practice, Dr. Dilis Clare has never endorsed a product before this one. She started taking it herself before she began recommending it.
“I found I was taking it, whereas with other things they’d be sitting in the cupboard and I’d be saying to myself, “I must take those.” interestingly, since I’ve been on the Revive I’m much more consistent at taking the wheatgrass and the turmeric, because they’re the two other things that I take.”
One of Dr. Dillis Clare’s patients was on two blood pressure tablets a day, and he was doing a lot of things right, in terms of diet and exercise Now he’s on two revives a day and one blood pressure tablet on alternate days, and according to Dr. Dilis Clare, with a less side effects, better energy and a better quality of life.
Erina MacSweeney of Irish Heart Health, says it’s a great tool for her practice, and because of the combination of ingredients it provides, she’d be lost without it. As well a numerous case studies to back up what the product does, Erina has her own mother taking it.
“I have my mother on it and she’s great. It’s the best preventative thing you can be taking to prevent a stroke or heart attack, and it’s keeping her mentally alert and giving her energy.”
Erina MacSweeney and Dr. Dilis Clare will both be speaking at the Your Health show in the RDS in September along with Patrick Holford. We have a special preview of the event and an interview with Patrick in our Summer issue of the magazine so make sure to subscribe or pick up a copy and find out what Patrick Holford has for breakfast!
Are you interested in holistic health as part of how to be happy and enjoy a sense of well-being? A whole new health revolution is being led by Revive Active with numerous active ingredients, including CoQ10. It’s a cardiovascular nutrigenomic health food supplement which brings together a unique combination of nutrients in a food supplement designed for cardiovascular well-being.
The effective use of the right nutrients can be a benefit to young and old alike – from the chronically ill to super-fit sportspeople who can benefit from enhanced times and greater endurance.
Speaking at a recent Anti-Ageing conference in London, leading vascular surgeon, Mr Sherif Sultan said: “The virtues of Coenzyme Q10 and L-Arginine are well-proven, and research into their effectiveness has earned Nobel prizes for the leading researchers in this field.”
Tracy Piggott says: “As a television presenter, there are times of high stress levels and a need to be very much ‘on the ball.’ I have always been interested in health and well-being, and have tried many things over the years. Since taking Revive Active, my coping abilities are far better, I can retain more information, and I suffer far less from the stress I formerly experienced. I put that down to the well-being factor of taking Revive Active and the effect of its active ingredients, especially the CoQ10.
As the cold weather has come in, I find that I am not feeling the cold as much and still have plenty of drive in me, which often disappears in the winter when I have suffered somewhat with feeling low and negative during those months.
I also feel that I generally look healthier and better than before, which helps with confidence when appearing in public.”