Green with Envy
Nutritional beauty from the inside out.
By Mary Berkery
Cosmetics work optimally when your inner care is in place too. The word cosmetic comes form the Greek word “Kosmeo” which means to harmonise and balance. Part of getting that balance and harmony right is making sure you’re putting the right nutrients into your body. It’s so important to look at what you’re consuming to fully understand it and to see how it can enhance a glowing complexion and a healthy and flexible body.
Green Suits Everyone
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of including greens in your daily food intake. Genetically we are very similar to the chimpanzee and they eat 70% greens in their diet! Greens are highly alkalinizing and can be taken in the form of green juices, smoothies and salads. Have that morning shot of wheat grass and make a mid-morning green smoothie or juice your new habit. Your body and skin will love you for it and thank you by looking radiant and glowing. The nutrients will also satisfy food cravings so you won’t need to look for quick energy boosts from processed foods and drinks that cause acid build up.
I’d also encourage you to include green food with each meal. Green foods don’t have to be limited to lettuce leaves and kale, and without going into too their amazing phytonutrient properties some great examples to keep your greens varied include: cucumbers, celery, parsley, courgettes, Chinese greens, baby bok choy, chards, broccoli, brussels pprouts, green tomatoes, okra, green beans, green snap peas, fennel, leeks, peas, edamame (also high in protein), sunflower sprouts and sprouts of all varieties, rocket and all mixed salad greens. When it comes to herbs, incorporate more basil, mint, bay leaf, sage, thyme, rosemary and coriander. And of the fruits; kiwis, watermelon, honeydew melons, green grapes, green apples and avocados. For an extra boost, super food greens to add to your smoothies or juices include wheat Grass, barley Grass, chlorella and spirrulina.