By Jai Kartar Kaur Mohan
I remember listening to the song ‘The Age of Aquarius’ on the radio when I was a little girl growing up in California. It spoke of wondrous things, of a time ‘when love would steer the stars.’ Little did I realize the impact the transition into the Aquarian Age would have on my life and spiritual evolution. We are living in unprecedented times, big change is in the air and many of us are experiencing it on a personal level.
‘Out with the old and in with the new’ can describe the upheaval that our families, societies and planet are experiencing as we approach the Aquarian Age. For many of us, it is clear that we cannot continue to live within the confines of our old stream of consciousness. The impractical and removed approach to our environment and spiritual awareness has left many of us feeling that we are powerless and unsure of who to trust. It is time for us to empower ourselves through experience, and to learn to listen to our hearts as well as our minds. It is a time to bow to the teacher within us.
When Yogi Bhajan, master of Kundalini Yoga, spoke of the Aquarian Age, he indicated that individual spiritual awakening would occur en masse. Although it would not be an organized global occurrence, Divine consciousness would guide us, as members of the human race, to a more self aware state. An era of spiritual clarity, stewardship of the earth and humanitarianism will blossom.
Yogi Bhajan stated, “We are entering the Age of Aquarius on November 11, 2011. It will be a new time. The entire psyche is changing. You must purify the mind, body and soul to be real, innocent and sattvic (pure). Elevate yourself to be angelic. This age, which you will serve, is an age of awareness and experience.”
He also told us that, now, more than ever before, we will need to maintain ourselves through a regular Kundalini Yogic practice. We must make ourselves resilient in order to meet the pressure of the times. Kundalini Yoga provides the tools to handle these changes and helps us to become guiding lights for others, as they, too, meet the challenges of entering the Aquarian Age.
The technology of Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, offers the practitioner an effective method of, as Carl Jung described it, “psychic hygiene”. Although Kundalini Yoga practitioners come from various faiths, persuasions and cultures, they share a common vision: the reclamation of spiritual values through personal development, community service and universal consciousness.
How do we balance and purify ourselves? How do we experience our divinity when in physical form? Kundalini Yoga uses time honoured practices to create energetic balance in the practitioner. It integrates all branches of the yogic discipline, combining kriyas (physical exercises), pranayama (controlled breathing techniques), meditation and mantra (chanting), resulting in an extremely powerful and transformational experience. This elevation of consciousness stays with us as we move from the yoga mat into our daily lives. A regular Kundalini Yoga practice benefits the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system and improves immune function.
As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, I have seen a change in my classes in recent years. In the past, many practitioners were coming to my classes to increase their strength and flexibility and to deal with the stresses of daily life. Although these are still noteworthy needs that students have, more practitioners are coming to Kundalini Yoga to nurture their souls. Many students have expressed their desire to deepen their self awareness and tune into their higher purpose. Others have found the communal aspect of yogic practice and lifestyle inspirational and truly rewarding.
As an immigrant to Ireland and a yoga teacher that has taught elsewhere on the planet, I experience a very special, heart centred consciousness in Ireland. Kundalini Yoga resonates with it and has been received with open arms. The number of Kundalini Yoga teachers and practitioners in Ireland is significantly increasing each year. There is such an interest in Kundalini Yoga in Ireland that internationally acclaimed master teachers and sacred music artists are coming to Ireland to meet the request.
The vibration of the emerald isle is being elevated by every ‘Sat Nam’ that is chanted in a Kundalini Yoga class. Sat Nam – may truth be your name – as we embrace the promise of the Aquarian Age.
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