How to Be Happy and To Feel and Be Beautiful by Mary Berkery
What does it take to feel beautiful? Is it beautiful clothes, a loving partner or spouse, a beautiful home, financial security? I do not believe that any of these makes one feel beautiful. They can help, yet they are not the complete picture.
Memories come to mind. One, when I was running businesses. I arrived at work one morning in my flashy car, “power dressed” and made up. Walking into the office to good mornings greetings, I felt awkward and no different to the little girl (me) growing up who felt she did not fit in. Another time, I was invited to a ritzy party in London and wore a flattering dress and looked great. Yet, I was unable to let in the compliments and admiration that I was receiving, and felt shy and not sure of myself. I realized that I was not fully conscious of my impact on others, of my authority or beautiful presence. In fact, in spite of many accomplishments and physical gifts, I still felt unworthy and not good enough.
Since then, the car, the money and the possibility of acquiring the latest designer clothes have not been possible. It has given me the opportunity to come back to the core of my being, deepen my inner work and search for who I truly am at this new stage of my life. The irony is that I now have a more profound sense of my essence through this existence called Mary, with awareness of my elegance and grace in a whole new light. I can see how my being, wisdom and knowing how to be happy influence and impact those in my life, while also being more able to let their care and love touch me. Positive thinking has a great power over how we view ourselves as well as others.
I now see that we can feel fabulous in gorgeous clothes and makeovers. Yet, this is only temporary, unless inner refection and healing is incorporated in one’s life journey.
Recently, I had a conversation with a young girl on body image, overeating and being overweight. She struggled with these issues. We had both been talking about the Tipping Point principle – that is, when enough key people start to believe or think or champion a new way, then, this new way of thinking becomes the norm in society. I believe that this is similar to our internal shifts. So, take the time to look at and release the shame-based, not good enough stories – by attending self-development weekends such as body-centred psychotherapy workshops (e.g. Hakomi), going to mediation evenings (e.g. Mindfulness Ireland’s website has much to offer), watching online videos on positive psychology, healing, and by continually getting informed on healthy nutritional choices (Healthy With such information and integration, something eventually happens – our lesser-frightened being gives way, “tips over” to a healthy love and beauty and to a deep sense of one’s own unique and glorious offering to the world.
Outer care is an important and significant part of the holistic approach to wholeness. When one feels unworthy of life’s abundant gifts – especially at that time – be even be more conscious about taking care of your body, with daily application of natural oils (I really like the new Intelligent Nutrients body elixirs), attending to our personal appearance by having a groomed and cared for glow, wearing the clothes and colours that enhance who you are and lift your energy, and by eating high vibration plant-based living foods that your body loves. These practices all help to loosen the grip of negativity and low self esteem, and improve wellbeing, aiding in this shift towards a constant sense of you as a beautiful expression.
Then, no matter what the changes are in your outside life – fashion trends, your income, relationships, your age – you will know how to access and nourish your own radiant vitality and essence.