In our Spring 2021 issue, Foster Gamble of the THRIVE movement shared with us his insights into living from the still centre, or “sweet spot”, that inspires perfect peace. Enjoy the sneak peek of this article below!
positive thinking
Positive Nights Presents: The Man Who Changed His Brain & The Woman Who Had a Day to Live
We are thrilled to be hosting an exciting evening with Ray Behan – the man who changed his brain – and Antonella Traino – the woman who had one day to live. This will take place on Thursday June 6th, from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. in Bewley’s Café, 78/79 Grafton Street, Dublin 2.
Ray Behan has been a property developer, property educator and property writer for almost three decades. He is also very active in promoting the practical application of quantum physics, quantum mechanics, biology, and frequently writes and speaks on quantum, human consciousness and the ‘egoic and biological self’. He has studied quantum phenomena, biology and cosmic consciousness for many years with some of the greatest educators in their field of human personal development, such as Dr. John Demartini, Jack Canfield, and Benjamin J. Harvey.
Antonella survived a near-death experience, and is now a health and mindset educator, a qualified counsellor and a trained facilitator of The Demartini Method. She has studied human behaviour, psychology and personal growth for over twenty years, and has assisted numerous people break through their self-limiting beliefs and perceptions. Antonella is passionate about mindsets, quantum physics, neuroplasticity, epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology and stepping outside the boundaries of what mainstream culture tells us.
During this enthralling event with Ray and Antonella, we will discuss a range of topics, including:
Why the brain is just a processor of information, while ‘we’ are outside the brain.
Antonella’s healing process, the day she almost died, and how she changed her mindset so much that she now travels the world, teaching, helping and healing.
The meaning behind the phrase ‘The Indoctrination of the Imagination’.
Details from Ray’s new book (yet to be released), The Man Who Changed His Brain. In the book, he discusses how science proves the existence of God.
The connection between neurology and biology, and how your ‘biography’ becomes your ‘biology’.
How meditation truly works.
To book your tickets, just click here.
Positive Nights Presents: The Man Who Changed His Brain and the Woman Who Had a Day to Live
We are thrilled to be hosting an exciting evening with Ray Behan – the man who changed his brain – and Antonella Traino – the woman who had one day to live. This will take place on Thursday June 6th, from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. in Bewley’s Café, 78/79 Grafton Street, Dublin 2.
Happy Winter Solstice, Positive Lifers! In this extract from our Winter 2018/19 issue, acclaimed health and wellness coach Alison Canavan discusses some of the challenges of winter, and how we can learn how to thrive during the winters of life. Remember: the darkest hour comes before the dawn.
SOLD OUT Positive Life presents Positive Nights: A Special Evening to Raise Your Vibration with Teal Swan
A very Special Positive Nights event!
Facebook Page | FRIDAY, November 11th, 7:30pm | Eur 20 | Location: The Powerscourt Theatre, Dublin 2.
We are honoured & excited to welcome Teal Swan to our Positive Nights stage!
Teal is an amazing soul that has managed to impart love and wisdom around the world for years! Our evening with her will have an intimate feeling. Starting with a conversation between Paul and Teal in which we will get to know a lot more about her and how we can bring out our most positive intentions. After a short break, we will have an interactive Q&A for you, the audience so we can collectively keep the positivity flowing. Afterwards we will have a special guided meditation to close the night.
Email us at or send your payment via Paypal directly to the same email address to book! Please book your place early as seating is limited.
In Teal’s own words
About Raising your vibration:
“If you are dedicated to raising your vibration, you can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought. However, never resist a negative thought; just accept that you are where you are, express it in a healthy way and move in the direction to feeling better emotionally.”
About Letting go and finding our hidden positivity:
“We all want to find the key to letting go. After all, this is one of the most important steps when it comes to any form of healing. But most of us get stuck when it comes to letting go because we are missing a puzzle piece relative to what we cannot let go of. That puzzle piece is the piece that ties it all together and it is in fact, the key to letting go. The missing puzzle piece is the hidden positive intention.
Every action that is ever taken and every belief that is ever held is taken and held for one reason and one reason only; because the person taking that action, or holding that belief, is convinced that it will enable them to feel better in some way. Another way of saying this is that we only ever engage in something that we think serves us positively in some way. But often this positive intention is buried so deep that we do not have conscious awareness of it. Our healing depends on us being brave enough to uncover and be honest with ourselves about those buried positive intentions. And our ability to live in an open, compassionate way towards others depends on our ability to recognise those buried positive intentions in them.”
If you wish to learn more about Teal, her upcoming events in Ireland & abroad, her blog and/or check her videos, please click below:
Miracles & Magic
Adopt a miraculous new perception.
By Stewart Pearce
Miracles occur when human discernment marries with divine reasoning. Miracles happen when we make intercession to the Source and the Angels, requesting that they intervene in our human predicament. Miracles are experienced when the magic of Divine Love is expressed, and in a trice, universal force flows, distorting the space-time continuum, providing a moment of accelerated Kairos – a fissure in time when the light of the miraculous pours through, creating magical opportunities for radical change.
Recently I was in New York, creating expansion for the Angels of Atlantis project, determining how the collective consciousness of the city could open further to these remarkable Light Beings. During this visit I was called to consult an extraordinary client, currently working for the United Nations.
Post consultation, the client invited me into the Chamber of the UN, to listen to a debate concerning Global Sustainability. The debate was intense, with notable eco-scientists, and environmentalists vociferously engaged in a nihilistic argument of how the earth is moving towards the edge of a precipice – to global destruction.
Suddenly, like a flash of super nova, a beautiful Pakistani woman rose, and in forthright tones spoke of the fact that nothing new was being introduced, and that this was not a time for rhetoric, but a time for Miracles. For ten minutes she spoke about the nature of miracles and magic, requesting that if we gave as much energy to our dreams, as to our fears, we would change Global consciousness.
This miracle radically defined, that a change of perception may revolutionise current opinion.