Home Spirituality and the City Positive Thinking New Beginnings

Positive Thinking New Beginnings

by Patrick

Karen Ward, Shamanic Therapist, Teacher & Facilitator

Having sailed through my 21st, 30th and 40th birthdays, I was fascinated to find that I was not looking forward to my 50th. After all, 50 is 50 – a somewhat daunting number. So, I decided I’d have to change my view and regard it as my entry into Cronedom – my time of becoming a wise Elder. I started in style, throwing a fancy black-tie bash for my close friends and family on my 49th birthday. I asked them to join me in dreaming up 50 special things to do in my 50th year. The suggestions were weird, wonderful and challenging. So, I’m coming to the end of this magical year having written a monthly love letter to myself, held the Sam Maguire cup, climbed Errigal and renewed my marriage vows, with still more to come. I look forward to this next phase of my life now with relish, counting my blessings. Roll on my 50’s, I embrace you!

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Baba Dez Nichols, Sexuality & Consciousness Author & Educator

A monumental new beginning for me was around discovering and ending unhealthy interactions in my relationships. I am grateful for my early significant relationships for showing me where I was giving my power away and seeking validation from women. In seeing this dynamic, I took the first step of my journey into sacred sexuality by meeting my own inner feminine.

Because I had been always looking outside of myself for her, my inner feminine was emaciated, dejected and resentful. Like the “Sleeping Beauty” fairy tale, first came the process of waking her up and bringing her back to total health. The interesting thing is that, through this process, I also matured my inner masculine; and thus, I was able to sincerely start the journey of the Sacred Union within.

My relationships now are experiences of ease, love, power and freedom, reflecting the healthy union of my inner mature masculine and feminine.


Kathy Scott, Cultural Creative & Yoga Teacher

New Beginnings are happening all the time, in every moment, when we pay attention to the details. They are happening individually and collectively simultaneously. Sometimes I seize them, sometimes I let them emerge and sometimes they bring me to my knees.

New beginnings can occur by chance or synchronicity. I have experienced the most profound epiphanies through art, on the yoga mat, in conversations with strangers and walking down the street. Something new arrives and changes how I see the world forever.

We are all alchemists – sometimes we have to transform disappointment, loss or rejection into a new beginning. I think of new beginnings as signposts that illuminate what Heaney calls “the essential rhythm”.

A few spring to mind: losing my loved ones and meeting myself, quitting the 24-hour party circuit and discovering yoga, being let go at work and finding my calling.


John Doherty, Reflective Supervisor & Spiritual Director

I find the cycle of life is always offering me new beginnings and endings. Every morning I have to make a choice in how I approach the day. Do I want to live a conscious life where I feel empowered, grateful and open to the wonder and beauty of the day? Or do I just operate on automatic pilot?

Automatic pilot means I spend most of my time not thinking about how I am with what’s presenting in my day. Instead, I just try to chip away at fulfilling my mind-made story, hoping it is how to be happy.

So, I recognise there is a choice to make friends with each thing I encounter as I go through the day, and this keeps me present, grounded and available to myself and others. Starting the day and ending the day well then becomes a template for my life in general.


Sinead O’Loughlin, Mother, Massage Therapist & Baby Yoga Instructor

Well, this topic is so perfect for where I am at in my life right now. Could there be a newer beginning than a first pregnancy? As I await the arrival of my first child in approximately 10 days, I am aware that my life as I know it is about to end. That brings up mixed emotions for me, and the question of how I handle endings and beginnings arises.

I try to practice Trust and Gratitude. I honour the old, taking time to reflect; give thanks for the chapter I am closing and try to let go with Grace. Acknowledging that I am master of my own destiny, I have called in every new beginning, so I trust that all is happening for my highest good.

This new beginning is very exciting for Drew and me, as we cross the threshold into parenthood, we are supported and trust the time is right, and we look forward with joy and anticipation and intrigue. This human experience is all about change and growth and expansion – a sign that I am alive, growing and learning and providing new methods of how to be happy.

Drew Mahler, Bio Energy & Massage Therapist

New beginnings. To me this implies change, a new chapter in life, a time of potential and growth. Beginnings can also be challenging times. In choosing to let go of patterns and behaviours which no longer help me, and being more present, I can more easily embrace the new beginning I want.

Many old habits are like a pair of old shoes, comfortable and easy to slip into but no longer providing the support I need. I have made many changes to my life recently, thrown out many pairs of old shoes.

Every moment of every day is a new beginning, and can be a complete letting go of what we no longer need. Being in the present moment is, for me, my new beginning – my new pair of shoes.

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