Home Astrology Astrology Autumn 2013: Activation of the Sacred Feminine, Andrew Smith

Astrology Autumn 2013: Activation of the Sacred Feminine, Andrew Smith

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feminine masculine energies

Astrology: Balancing your masculine & feminine this Autumn

feminine energies

Highlights of Autumn 2013’s cosmic activity  

  • Sept 5th – Virgo New Moon
  • Sept 21st – Transforming reality as Saturn sextiles Pluto
  • Sept 21st – Dreaming as Jupiter tri-octiles Neptune
  • Oct 2nd – Preparation as Mercury enters his shadow phase
  • Oct 5th – Libran New Moon
  • Oct 5th – Readjustment as Saturn quincunxes Uranus
  • Oct 21st – Receptivity as Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio
  • Nov 1st– Commitment as Mercury unites with the Sun
  • Nov 1st – Wholeness as Venus ascends her throne
  • Nov 1st – Activation as Uranus squares Pluto
  • Nov 5th– Emotional alchemy with the solar eclipse in Scorpio
  • Nov 10th – Connection as Mercury turns Direct

The principle tools that astrologers use to divine meaning and to offer counsel are the planets, the Sun and the Moon. Each ‘planet’ has a precise meaning that can be expressed in a specific, yet multi-levelled manner, the manifestation of which is largely determined by your consciousness and choices. The planets are divided into two states of being; masculine and feminine. Given that a birth-chart is merely a ‘picture’ of the energetic conditions of the solar system, as seen from a specific location in space at a precise time, without being told to whom a chart belongs, it is impossible to assess the gender of a horoscope. This means that every man and woman has an inner, or personal, masculinity and femininity.

Your femininity is not the same thing as being female, in the same way that your masculinity is not about being male. Male and female is your gender; masculine or feminine is your modality of expression. You have one gender and both forces available through which you can mould and shape your reality. This elemental pair (masculine/feminine, or Yin/Yang if you prefer) always manifest together and to speak of one is to invite the other; to seek more of one is to call forth the other. Together they form the broadest spectrum of existence imaginable – with the extreme feminine on one end and the extreme masculine on the other. Finding the balance of this primal pair is what drives your inner world. Without the masculine, there is no activating principle to ignite life; without the feminine, there is no creation to be ignited or form to manifest.

Awakening Conscious, Sacred Femininity

This autumn, within our Collective Soul, we will experience another stage of reactivation of a more conscious and sacred femininity. Whilst this reawakening is a gradual process, the awareness of the necessity to nurture, commune, of being inclusive, of practising heart-based understanding on all levels within us and within our local, national and global communities is increasing. Her emerging is pronounced in early November, mirroring the Shift that has already taken place in June and the massive healing during the Great Pyramid formation in mid-July. Consequently, everyone will feel an increasing awareness to re-create our world in a manner where the systems we live within are both inclusive and supportive of everyone and everything.

The masculine principle is necessary to provide the fuel to ‘get things started’ and our Autumn months are characterised by a youthful, proactive, passionate masculine force, which will enable you to tap into, and direct accordingly, an inspired and spirited energy. Gazing east an hour or so before the Sun rises, you will see the stellar embodiment of that principle eagerly shining as Mars, the morning star.

There exists an equally passionate but maturing and socially aware feminine to balance the virility of the waxing masculine. Venus shines ever so brightly in our early autumnal evening skies, as Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her appearance since the 17th May in the evening sky is analogous to the Divine Being Shekhinah who is often depicted as standing on a serpent, signifying the she has mastered the power of creative wisdom. Her embodiment as Venus Hesperus (the evening star) corresponds with an apt time to sagely activate your own inner femininity, and the collective feminine principle in general, in a tangible way and in a manner which engenders or catalyses your actions towards an improved society.

Manifest Your Destiny

As she ascends onto her throne on November 1st, radiating a clear brilliant blue-white aura, you have the opportunity to manifest your feminine destiny – to actualise your potential in complete service of the betterment of your world. Similarly, you will notice an increased awareness of energy flowing through your body as Venus appears fully whole and radiant until mid-December, when she descends from her throne to prepare for her transition to death and subsequent rebirth in mid-January.

Nothing you think or do happens in a vacuum – it all has an effect on the universe. Regardless of whether you create empowered thoughts or live within a stew of self-effacing and negative thoughts, you are constantly projecting those messages to all those who live in your world. It is for that reason that it is important to take advantage of every opportunity to create a life-affirming reality. The energetic conditions of the autumnal cosmos reflect a time that is ripe to mould and shape the nascent blueprint of the structures that will house our humanity. It is therefore your responsibility to thoroughly embody your true feminine nature and unique qualities, without suppressing your masculinity, since this is how you personally contribute to a re-emergence of a conscious feminine. To do that effectively you may need to heal your personal femininity.


I would ask you to hold space concerning the thrice fold expression of the feminine by reflecting on the following questions during 2013’s third loop of time on the 21st October through to the 10th November:

  1. How comfortable are you with your own feminine expression?

  2. In what ways do you need to develop confidence in expressing your light; your gratitude; your compassion; your receptivity; your body and your heart-based understanding?

  3. How does your feminine self contribute to your world?

Infused with the feminine power of intuition and heightened perception, the three week ‘cosmic pause’ in late October through early November means that you have the opportunity to keep centred on your spiritual intent and divinity and to call down the fire as you traipse through old scripts and face the enemies of your soul that are keeping you in an emotional groundhog day – ever repeating the same relationship patterns. The deeply emotionally charged space/time of early November holds the potentiality to see past old hurts and to forgive both yourself and others as you embrace Scorpio’s true gift, emotional alchemy. Freeing your Soul from the chains of emotional hurt is the first step in empowering your femininity, unable, as she exists, to unconditionally love and accept life as it is without self-forgiveness. Your active and conscious transmutation of those heavier feelings not only serves to allow a more free flowing expression of your femininity but it will feed the active transformation of the collective feminine principle, something necessary in our creation of our new world.

Andrew’s private practise is in Blackrock, South Dublin. For further information on a consultations, workshops or classes, to receive his free newsletter or to order a copy of Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier, email dastroc@gmail.com, text 086 8823554 or join him on Facebook or LinkedIn.

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