Home Holistic Health What is Mayan Abdominal Massage? By Anna Campbell

What is Mayan Abdominal Massage? By Anna Campbell

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Mayan Abdominal Massage

Mayan massage

By Anna Campbell

Mayan Abdominal massage is a treatment that focuses on aligning the reproductive and abdominal organs. Intended for both men and women, the treatment helps to re-position the abdominal organs, loosen the hips and remove any scar tissue on the sacrum and along the spine. This increases the circulation of blood to the abdomen and with that resolves a wide range of conditions. The Mayans believe that ‘people’s issues are within their tissues’, so in gently working to release the abdominal tissues people can heal and let go of anything that may be hampering their health.

I am a trained Mayan Massage therapist and acupuncturist and have been working in this relatively unknown work in Dublin. Mayan Massage is known for reducing painful periods, prolapse of the uterus and resolving digestive problems. What I find shocking is the amount of women who live with painful periods. Simply put, periods are not meant to be painful and after a treatment with me you will be armed for life with techniques to reduce that monthly pain. A vital part of this work is called Self-Care.

What is Self-Care?

I spend a lot of time explaining the importance of this with every treatment. It is a shortened version of the massage that you can perform on yourself daily. Self-Care is at the core of the Arvigo Techniques of Mayan abdominal massage. I really believe that everyone should take control of their own health and Self-Care is the perfect technique for doing so. During your session there is a lot of emphasis on this, diet and other simple home remedies (e.g. castor oil packs, Epsom salts bath ) and you are provided with ample information so that you feel confident in what you’re doing.

Self care is an empowering method of healing as so often with allopathic medicine patients are just given a prescription and that’s it. What I find in my work, that explaining why it makes sense to massage your abdomen to help relieve IBS symptoms for example, empowers clients so they finally feel they themselves can make an impact on their health in a practical way.

Abdominal massage works from the pubic bone up to the ribs on the anterior aspect of the body. I work through every system gently massaging away any stress and tension allowing your organs to achieve homeostasis. The massage also works on the back, this is because there are nerves along the spine and through the pelvic bowl that are connected with the organs on the front of the body. I then work gently and systematically along your spine, over the sacrum and into your hips to release out any scar tissue.

So how do you know if you need a Mayan massage?

Well in truth I believe that everyone should experience this healing therapy. Some of the symptoms that you might experience as a female in need of this work include uterine prolapse, pelvic achiness with your period, painful and irregular periods, endometriosis and PCOS, bladder infections/cysitis, fibroids and cysts, fertility challenges, pre-menstrual syndrome, painful ovulation, menopausal or peri menopausal symptoms.

Mayan massage also works on the digestive system. I have been able to help people who are crippled with severe digestive problems. Just like your periods should not be painful, you should not experience pain after eating or while digesting.

Symptoms that can be treated with Mayan abdominal massage include bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, heartburn, oesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Chrones disease, lower back ache and headaches.

So the men reading this will be thinking what about me?

I find men benefit from this treatment greatly, I ask my female clients to teach their husbands this work if they are not able to come for treatment especially if it is for fertility reasons they are attending. This also helps to keep the tactile relationship healthy within couples who are undergoing a very medicalised IVF protocol for example.

Apart from all the above digestive symptoms men benefit from Mayan massage for symptoms such as; early stages of prostate swelling, prostatitis (mild), prevention of prostate inflammation, erectile dysfunction, fertility challenges due to sperm abnormalities

At Conscious Health your treatments will always be personalised to suit your needs.I put huge emphasis on the person behind the body, and I find this creates a beautiful safe space for people to allow themselves to heal. This massage will feel exactly just what you need, relaxing and deeply therapeutic on a physical and emotional level.



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