Home Positive News & Interviews Summer Astrology Sneak Peek: Creating Our New Reality, By Andrew Smith

Summer Astrology Sneak Peek: Creating Our New Reality, By Andrew Smith

by Admin

Cultivating within, reflecting without.

This is an excerpt from our Summer 2015 issue. Subscribe here to have the summer issue and the following three issues delivered direct to your door.

Andrew Smith

By Andrew Smith

The creation of your reality is contained within a simple truth – that which is within reflects that which is without.

In the same way that you attract and subsequently bond with people who share your values, you also create systems in your life that reflect those values. Similarly on a larger scale, the systems that we live within, including the patriarchal, hierarchal, authoritative corporations, religious institutions and political systems, only exist because we have given our consent to them to exist.

The massive deconstruction of the external world that has taken place over the past five years is largely a result of a monumental inner awakening. You have had to face, name, understand, heal and embrace your Shadow; you have had to get to a point where you can LOVE it. In doing so your Shadow no longer has a hold over you. By clearing your inner world, you clear the outer world. Without those inner enemies the System has no hold over you and cannot exist. The System can only feed off your unprotected Self. Therefore there is nothing to stop you other than you yourself!

However, many people tend to recreate what is familiar when they travel to a foreign country, seeking comfort in an Irish bar despite being in Havana, because the fear of being free is as powerful as the fear of being trapped and controlled.

The key to living freely and openly is to face your inner enemies. When you lay down your worries, you leave behind your frustrations and anger; when you give up your position and your dreams of your special status, you will learn to find ease in risk. Fear and self-doubt are the part of the old way and not the way forward. As long as they exist within, the old order will attempt to survive by nurturing in you those egoic vanities.

This is an excerpt from our Summer 2015 issue. Subscribe here to have the summer issue and the following three issues delivered direct to your door.


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